Purdue Cytometry Mailing List by thread
Starting: Mon 06 Jan 1997 - 10:58:36 EST
Ending: Sat 05 Apr 1997 - 20:36:54 EST
Messages: 881
- RE: anti-HLA mAb gary@amgen.com
- Intracellular cytokine measurement rmeister@pop.service.ohio-state.edu
- Flow position J. Paul Robinson
- Re: yeast viability study MaheshBhalgat@probes.com
- 2nd European Summer School on Clinical Applications of Flow gregor.rothe@klinik.uni-regensburg.de
- Sorting Bacteria Barren, Phil
- Re: platelet activation markers ThatJack@aol.com
- Re: Bacteria viability study Mahesh K. Bhalgat
- Re: fluorescent methotrexate Ken Hook
- Color Printers suitable for use with Cell Quest Peter F. Moore
- Re: ex vivo cyotkine detection DODONNEL@svherc.ucd.ie
- RE: monoclonal antibody production Mike Clark
- XL vs Calibur Lisa Glickstein
- Position Availible Kevin Weller
- Intracellular cytokine measurement Richard K. Meister
- Re: yeast viability study Mahesh K. Bhalgat
- RE: anti-HLA mAb Woo, Gary
- 2nd European Summer School on Clinical Applications of Flow Cyto Gregor Rothe
- 'Yee' Data Lister available? Frederic Preffer
- Coulter Flownet Manual/source dir question Avril Swarts
- Re: Fast Mac Video Card Matthias Haury
- Re: Fast Mac Video Card Ray Hicks
- anti-HLA mAb Calman Prussin
- Australasian Flow Cytometry Conference Iona O'Brien
- yeast Mw. M.N. de Boer
- PI concentration Ken Hook
- RE: monoclonal antibody production Woo, Gary
- Avidin conjugation of antibody Margaret Cooley
- Followup--my ancient autoclone--thanks! Steve G. Hilliard
- Fast Mac Video Card Pizzo,Eugene
- BrdU for measuring cell proliferation Rosemarie Catherine Ganassin
- BB4 antibody Antony Bakke
- Murine Erythroblasts Dave Ehman
- IL-2R and 7-AAD Theolis Costa Barbosa
- Cytometry Mailing List pathol-immuno biol-ther
- RE: Thank you Austin
- FW: normal levels of HLA-DR on CD4 Richard Lempicki
- To-Pro-3 Iodide carolyn.surdyk@chmcc.org
- RE: FAS and apoptosis Tom Mc Closkey
- HLA-DR+ CD4 cells Tom Mchugh
- Heard of these people? Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Heard of these people? Chris Worth
- Platelet Activation via 3-color analysis Michael F. Wolf
- Platelets and ATP Walter Sharp
- normal levels of HLA-DR on CD4 Nicholson, Janet
- monoclonal antibody production Meenakshi Roy
- Re: BDIS Home Page Joseph Chmielowski
- Re: BDIS Home Page James M. Simone
- BrdU with DNAse Paul Zimmer
- RE: normal levels of HLA-DR on CD4 Woo, Gary
- Re: summary-best long term etc... ClaudeC81@aol.com
- Sam Latt Conference: Registration and Abstracts david_hedley@pmh.toronto.on.ca
- FacStarPlus Computer Upgrade MORGANTL@aol.com
- normal levels of HLA-DR on CD4 Oleg S. Vasilyev
- FAS and apoptosis MORGANTL@aol.com
- re Thy-1/CD34 staining D. Robert Sutherland
- Pig moab's John Knapp
- Re: summary-best long term etc... Tom Mc Closkey
- conjugation vs. sandwich Kevin Holmes
- RE: conjugation vs. sandwich Tom Mc Closkey
- Thy1/CD34 staining Jim Houston
- Screen capture utility Kirk Watkins
- conjugation vs. sandwich -Reply Antony Bakke
- RE: FACSCalibur loaders Woo, Gary
- RE: IL-12 Ab for Intracellular staining Calman Prussin
- Re: summary-best long term etc... Dr. Huw S. 'Zip' Kruger Gray.
- FACSCalibur loaders Lamb, Holly B.
- RE: Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Calman Prussin
- RE: Exporting figures from cell quest Calman Prussin
- Re: IL-12 Ab for Intracellular staining Austin
- CY7 tandem conjugates Graham Vesey
- Re: Exporting figures from cell quest Adrian Smith
- summary-best long term data storage Tom Mc Closkey
- RE: CellQuest figures nan harvey
- pH of neutrophils endosomes/lysosomes Michele Lutz
- Re: Copying CELLQuest Plots... Keith Bahjat
- HP 340 Networks Emory University Hospital
- job posting Christine OConnell
- Cytometry CD ROM Vol 3 - A request for contributions Monica Shively
- Is there a source? Chris Worth
- Coulter 753 for Sale J. Paul Robinson
- Re[2]: Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Tom Frey
- RE: flow assay for hereditary spherocyto Leary, James
- Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Murali Ramanathan
- Double staining- Intracellular Ayala Sharp
- Contact numbers for flow companies Mark Gauci
- Re: Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Matthias Haury
- CD14 neg monocytes Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- Re: Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Christian Awaraji
- Putting a message on the listserv Sue DeMaggio
- flow assay for hereditary spherocytosis Yashpal Agrawal
- CD14 negative monocytes RICHARD L. DARLEY
- Re: Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Derek Davies
- RE: Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Woo, Gary
- acrylamide and monoclonal antibodies -Reply Antony Bakke
- normal CD4 counts -Reply Antony Bakke
- Exporting figures from cell quest: how? Al Sabirsh
- Notch-1 and its ligand Robert Nordon
- flow assay for hereditary spherocytosis Vincent Gin
- Murine Erythroblasts Dave Ehman
- CD34 Dimitri Scholz
- Hexidium iodide for dead/live for flow. PETER BERCZ
- PE conjugation to PNA Ian Colditz
- Re: No Subject Dave Novo
- Plasma Cells ctnebe
- subject headers McPherson
- pH on FACScan -Reply david_hedley@pmh.toronto.on.ca
- RE: BDIS Calin Tatu
- Easter Special- Used FACSCan for sale C. Kevin Becker
- Sorting of GFP Viki Mosiman
- Re: No Subject Raymond B. Hester
- TUNEL INFO Ken McDonald
- acrylamide and monoclonal antibodies Byrne, Fergus, Ph.D.
- Comment on Ellen Ko's message Walter Sharp
- No Subject MLBeal@aol.com
- Re: Myeloperoxidase LEONARD BROWN
- Post-doc Position Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- pH on FACScan Uno Johansson
- acrylamide and monoclonal antibodies Pete Macardle
- HP to Windows NT reader Richard Moldwin
- HP to Windows NT reader Richard Moldwin
- Rat CD69 Murali Ramanathan
- RE: Why WinList? Tom Mc Closkey
- GPA Assay Julie A R Pribyl
- Flagged samples ruth ann croson lowney
- Cell Wars Julie Oughton
- Cell Wars Julie Oughton
- RE: FTP "reget" option Laborator Citometrie
- WinList in Sydney Adrian Smith
- Re: Why WinList? Larry Seamer
- TCR alpha/beta delta/gamma Walter Sharp
- HP to Windows NT reader Richard Moldwin
- XL vs. Calibur lglickst@OPAL.TUFTS.EDU
- mLy5 reagents Timothy Graubert
- Re: Long Term Storage jswigget@mail.carolinas.org
- Cell Wars ruth ann croson lowney
- B.D.I.S. Home Page Vadim Chromiak
- Why WinList? Abby Allen
- Boehringer flow detection kit for apoptosis Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Boehringer flow detection kit for apoptosis Nat L. Pernick
- Myeloperoxidase reference Elaine Kunze
- San Diego User's Group Michele Lutz
- Re:kid's education using flow etc... J. Paul Robinson
- Ha-tagged proteins Andreas Simm
- H-S lymphoma pruiz@mednet.med.miami.edu
- myeloperoxidase Elaine Kunze
- Unusual Phenotype Walter Sharp
- RE: best long-term data storage??? J. Paul Robinson
- KinderFACS Jonni S. Moore
- Re: long-term storage Phil Marder
- RE: best long-term data storage??? Jose C. Segovia
- FTP "reget" option Vadim Chromiak
- .FCS file formats Tom Gallivan
- Transit time Keith Kelley
- MO direct storage Joseph Trotter
- BB-4 Joshua Epstein
- long-term storage gap@MIT.EDU
- RE: best long-term data storage??? David L. Haviland, Ph.D.
- Coulter Profile II Service bsi@flash.net
- Elite maintenance - summary Hazel Davey
- centrifuge Brent Dorsett
- viral inactivation Julie Auger
- Re: long-term data storage Joseph Webster
- collagen source??? Jan Brozek
- Re[2]: long-term storage Dennis_Young@CIS.ucsd.edu
- RE: best long-term data storage??? Calman Prussin
- purchase of used flow cytometer TIM KUTE
- Calibur vs XL lglickst@OPAL.TUFTS.EDU
- Cell sorter comparison Bourin Philippe
- Log tracking software Robert E. Karaffa, II
- best long-term data storage??? (fwd) mcfarland david c
- Rhesus cross-reactive CD28 Carol Oxford
- XL & HP Walter Sharp
- RE: Storage of leucocytes WOODS-COOK KATHIE A MSM CH
- Re: Fast Kinetic hardware James Weaver 301-594-5879 FAX 301-594-3037
- Storage of leucocytes sgaffin@NATICK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- best long-term data storage??? Tom Mc Closkey
- Commercial source for anti-human integrin alpha 4 beta 7 Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- a morphology problem. cheryl@immune.med.utoronto.ca
- a morphology problem. Chris Worth
- Position available LSKLAR@MEDUSA.UNM.EDU
- Commercial source for anti-human integrin alpha 4 beta 7 Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- re CD45 negative PBL D. Robert Sutherland
- Commercial source for anti-human integrin alpha 4 beta 7 CEF-Nathalie Tessier
- A GOOD monocyte marker? Wallace Lauzon
- Fast kinetics John P. Nolan
- Re: StreamViewMonitor Matthias Haury
- Glycogen contend in yeast cells Dr. Frank Nitzsche
- BD vs Coulter Michael Kornstein
- Actinomycin D to 7AAD? Vadim Chromiak
- immunology project POTHET ALAIN
- detection of platelet microparticles DAHL CHASE DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES
- High speed sorting in BL3 facility CEF-Nathalie Tessier
- Transit time -Reply Antony Bakke
- cell counting L_DIAZ@rcmad.upr.clu.edu
- Transit time (fwd) mcfarland david c
- High speed sorting in BL3 environement CEF-Nathalie Tessier
- Re: Transit time Keith Bahjat
- StreamViewMonitor Pizzo,Eugene
- Biohazard Sorting Michele Lutz
- Transit time Raymond B. Hester
- Position opening Lawrence S. Lamb, Jr.
- CD45 Negative PBL Mark Rehse
- Caterpillar blood DNA Connie Hallberg
- Re[2]: Sorting into Terasaki plates (no name)
- Re[2]: Sorting into Terasaki plates Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- tissue digestion Simon Monard
- Paraformaldehyde and autofluorescence. IMMUNO-SHERBROOKE
- anti-TGF-Beta Brian A. Rabinovich
- anti-mouse TF Brian A. Rabinovich
- Re: Macrophage membrane marker for counting % Macs in a sa Gregor Rothe
- Post Doc Position RALPH SMIALOWICZ
- Re: % cytokine positive ThatJack@aol.com
- Re: % cytokine positive ThatJack@aol.com
- recovery from cytotoxic drugs? Jeff Carrell
- RE: Single cell sorting Justin Fishbaugh
- single cell deposition, continued... Mario Roederer
- Re: Macrophage membrane marker for counting % Macs in a Howard Shapiro
- antimouse IgG PE-Cy5 conjugate Rochelle A. Diamond
- single cell deposition Mario Roederer
- single cell deposition, continued... Mario Roederer
- We completely support the TAPE project. Oleg S. Vasilyev
- Re: Single cell sorting and "auto" clone Daryl Webb
- Single cell sorting (long, w/ no trivial musical references) Steve G. Hilliard
- Macrophage membrane marker for counting % Macs in a sample??? Sims and Margie Adams
- Thanks and a question (AA4.1). T. Scott Thurmond
- Cell counting by flow cytometry The University of Birmingham
- Re: Intracellular % Formula Xi-Feng Yang
- Reply to Dr. Paul Zimmer (BrdU staining) Manabu Takahashi
- Re: BrdU Staining (fwd) William George Telford
- XL absolute counts Erin Longdo
- absolute cell counts, again Ralph Bohmer
- High Voltage DC Converter P. VAIGOT
- Pipettors for Terasaki Plates -Reply Karen Henell
- Sorting into Terasaki plates ClaudeC81@aol.com
- Elite-software and new video cards Joern Schmitz
- Pipettors for Terasaki Plates (fwd) Iris A. Williams
- Job Posting: Cell sorter operator Schmid, Ingrid
- Brief interruption Steve Kelley
- Positive controls for Leukemia phenotyping Timothy J Farley
- Simple counts with flow: chicken rbc's Irene J. Check, Ph.D.
- RE: PHA aggregation (fwd) mcfarland david c
- BrdU Staining Paul Zimmer
- Re: absolute counts - a side issue Joseph Webster
- My apologies mcfarland david c
- Special Lecture Location F. Joseph Chrest
- Re: Refrigeration of Peripheral Blood Keith Bahjat
- Vacances in America andy
- Re: Intracellular % Formula DODONNEL@svherc.ucd.ie
- Pipettors for Terasaki Plates LEKAHN@monsanto.com
- Keep it Clean Martin, Jill V.
- FISH Dimitri Scholz
- Simple counts with flow Chris Groves
- PHA aggregation (fwd) mcfarland david c
- Re: BD fastimmune protocol Howard Shapiro
- Platelet activation Martha Moreno Lafont
- RE: BD fastimmune protocol Calman Prussin
- Clinical Symposium-Rockville Helene Paxton
- IL-12 staining Todd M. Jarry
- Expertation of Cellquest Data Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- Refrigeration of Peripheral Blood Brugreig@aol.com
- absolute counts -Reply Mark Rehse
- PI and GFP Wendy D. Schober
- Position Wanted Michelle N Fiordalisi
- GFP csg admin
- Re: Clean machines (Acknowledgements... not too serious) Matthias Haury
- RE: QIFI-KIT calibration standards Hans-Peter Spengler
- RE: Fluorescence calibration Pierre_Aeby.COSMITAL_SA.WELLA_AG@NOTES.compuserve.com
- Special Lecture F. Joseph Chrest
- Clean Machines, Ad infunum. csg admin
- sCD14 Gerald L. Davis
- Sponge sorting bpijb@picr.cr.man.ac.uk
- Web Page Walter Sharp
- Flow Supervisor Emory University Hospital
- PHA aggregation tlr@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- Re: BD fastimmune protocol Michelle N Fiordalisi
- Position Wanted mcfarland david c
- Fluorescence calibration csg admin
- absolute counts Dave Novo
- Ar laser failure - summary Karel Drbal
- Re: Innova 70 Spectrum and APC Steven Merlin
- RE: GFP Mayumi Naramura
- Cytograms J. Paul Robinson
- Gender sorting Walter D. Holder Jr
- More on Clean Machines!!! Jim Houston
- Innova 70 Spectrum and APC Jim Houston
- Re: PI and GFP Wayne Green
- Re: PI and GFP Rochelle A. Diamond
- GFP David L. Haviland, Ph.D.
- Clean Machines, Ad infunum. Barren, Phil
- RE: Sheath Solution nan harvey
- Fluorescence calibration Hazel Davey
- RE: Sheath Solution David L. Haviland, Ph.D.
- Re: PI and GFP Derek Davies
- Calcium flux in transient transfectants hwortis_sup@OPAL.TUFTS.EDU
- Exportation of CellQuest Data LTC_Nancy_Dow_at_WRAMC4__WASHDC@wramc1-amedd.army.mil
- Re: PI and GFP David Galbraith
- PI and GFP Wendy D. Schober
- Receptors for TNF and IFN-g Xi-Feng Yang
- Anti-MDR1 Ab Edward Srour
- RE: Immunohistochemistry Bulletin board CATHARINE S. FRITSCHI
- RE: Sheath Solution David Chambers
- RE: sheath solution David Chambers
- RE: QIFI-KIT calibration standards Mara Rocchi
- Anti-MDR1 Ab Edward Srour
- Clean machines Arnold Pizzey
- phagocytosis ctnebe
- Sheath Solution Vivian Wu
- Isotype Controls Robert Pyle
- Biosure sheath fluid Justin Fishbaugh
- Re: sheath solution Wayne Green
- qifi-kit calibration standards Alice L. Givan
- Clean machines Steven Merlin
- sheath solution Vivian Wu
- The immunohistochemistry bulletin board Mikhail K Mazharov
- Re[2]: Wanted: extra BD sheath tank Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- GFP and BrdU staining Mayumi Naramura
- QIFI-KIT calibration standards KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Source for Actin Mahesh K. Bhalgat
- lasers fo David Jenkins
- FW: Job Posting-Flow Cytometry Technologist Kimberlee L Finne
- C. DIVE baby Jim Watson
- Coulter Profile II Cytometr data files Oleg S. Vasilyev
- RE: Annexin controls Tom Mc Closkey
- BD fastimmune system Vishal Gulati
- help Jacek M. Witkowski
- Re: NIH Image for PC? Deborah Berglund
- RE: WEHI-231 sensitivity to complement deoendent killing Dan Smith
- position opening Elizabeth Paietta
- WEHI-231 sensitivity to complement deoendent killing hwortis_sup@OPAL.TUFTS.EDU
- HP 340 question Antony Bakke
- BD Vantage connection problems Bart.Lambrecht@rug.ac.be
- Re: something to get your teeth into David Galbraith
- RE: Whole blood platelet assays Dan Smith
- Cyclin method Jan Nelson
- NIH Image for PC? Robert Barren
- Annexin controls Miller, Mark A.
- ? HP340 login system Andrew Macintyre
- Re: WARNING: Not strictly serious business, BIGOS@Darwin.Stanford.EDU
- FACSort/PMac Thanks MICHELLE__MILLER@PRI-SYDNEY.immedia.ca
- CD38 MAb Anna Porwit-MacDonald
- intracellular light chains Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- ??Problems with upgrade Maribel Leong
- Pulse processing on FACS 440 Raymond B. Hester
- 488 scatter Alice L. Givan
- TRAP-6 and plt activation Jan Brozek
- Apo2.7 progress Linda.Weaver@sandoz.com
- Re[2]: Ar laser failure MAPANY@monsanto.com
- RE: A clean machine -Reply Thomas Delohery
- Annexin staining Dr James Clark
- Clean machines Peter J Openshaw [Medicine]
- fibrolblastsorting/pcexchange thanks "facs1::isdellf"@rmslab.rockefeller.edu
- CD 36 human monocytes/macrophages Peter Kierulf
- FCS MAC data file format Gerald E. Marti
- job opportunity Luc Van Kaer, Ph.D.
- Annexin staining Dr James Clark
- Anti-BMP Antibodies Joe Lester
- software problem when starting win 95 mike shaw
- RE: A clean machine -Reply Flow Cytometry Mail Group
- RE: Aeresolization of Biohazardous Material Flow Cytometry Mail Group
- Wanted: extra BD sheath tank Barry Grimes
- clean machine paula fukushima
- Whole blood platelet assays Marc Langweiler
- APO 2.7, ab. to mito. apoptotic marker Linda.Weaver@sandoz.com
- NIH Image for PC? Raymond B. Hester
- WARNING: Not strictly serious business, may contain humor Sue DeMaggio
- Spelling of: Aerosolization Gilbert Radcliff
- CD ROM 3 & Haematology Walter Sharp
- Dog and cats Steve G. Hilliard
- Re: PowerMAC communication to cytometer Andreas Schroeder
- DNA plus surface staining user01@pyramid.class.isf.kiev.ua
- re: anti-rabbit T cell marker Bob Bao
- 4th Annual Clinical Cytometry Symposium Helene Paxton
- RE: PCLYSYS/Windows 95 Departamentul Imunologie
- Cychrome/PE staining David Chambers
- Re: MHC-I antibodies PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- bleach anecdote Leon Martin
- Job Opportunity TOLDAKER@aol.com
- Elite maintenance Hazel Davey
- FACS for sale Bob Donahoe
- PCLYSYS/Windows 95 Moss, Delynn M.
- Mitochondrial Integrity and Apoptosis Miller, Mark A.
- Re: Mitochondrial Potential Probe Angel_Delgado@ftdetrck-ccmail.army.mil
- BUG membership gap@MIT.EDU
- RE: Data Analysis: An old problem revisited Tom Mc Closkey
- integrin antibody Dimitri Scholz
- Growth factors Dimitri Scholz
- cord blood Gilbert Radcliff
- Aeresolization of Biohazardous Material Gilbert Radcliff
- Re: PowerMAC communication to cytometer Peter Chapple
- Ar laser failure Karel Drbal
- Mouse beta 2 microglobuline antibody Adnane Achour
- desmin Dimitri Scholz
- Re: cats & dogs Howard Shapiro
- Re: FACSort/PowerMac Link up Jim Houston
- Re[2]: A clean machine -Reply jphillip@mednet.med.miami.edu
- Ailing HP340 system - thanks Christopher Froelich, M.D.
- Image system for BH2 Simon Monard
- Ailing HP340 system - thanks Nick Goulding
- Re: anti-FLAG mAb intracellu Gary Elliott
- ISAC Sam Latt Conference - call for abstracts david_hedley@pmh.toronto.on.ca
- DAPI and APC Dr. Howard Petrie
- Data Analysis: An old problem revisited Geoffrey Osborne
- Need a flowcytometer stoutej@WRSMTP-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- Re: Lysing Solution - Again. Florence Harrod
- Please Resist Smart Answers on Bulletin Board -Reply William Wansley
- CD 36- monocyte/flow detection Peter Kierulf
- Data Analysis Cindy Gumbs
- Re: Cats & Dogs Ken Schafer
- Re: cats & dogs David L. Haviland, Ph.D.
- beads Nona Sheila R. Agawin
- Please Resist Smart Answers on Bulletin Board Dennis Broud 301-594-6259 FAX 301-594-6289
- Re: cats & dogs Joseph Webster
- Looking for a used UV laser O. Joseph Trask, Jr.
- Lysing Solution - Again...Formula PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Streptolysin O and Alpha Toxin Linda.Weaver@sandoz.com
- Post-Doc: Los Alamos John P. Nolan
- Scooped JoAnne Thomas
- Platelet Activation Studies in Pheresis -Reply Darren Hickerson
- Far red excitable beads . . . . . MARKD
- Phagocytosis - FITC quenching Natalio Garcia
- anti-FLAG mAb intracellular staining... Matthias Haury
- Support for Eastern European scientists david_hedley@pmh.toronto.on.ca
- Mac or HP upgrade question -Reply Antony Bakke
- Post Sort Quenching -Reply Antony Bakke
- Temp.Assistance Program East (TAPE) G.K.Valet
- Re: post sorting fibroblast viability Matthias Haury
- Post Sort Quenching O. Joseph Trask, Jr.
- PHA-LCM/mix Kevin G Waddick
- Mac or HP upgrade question Tom Mchugh
- Platelet Activation Studies in Pheresis Dave Ehman
- A clean machine -Reply Antony Bakke
- FISH in suspension and posi Hong He
- Re: cats & dogs Robb Habbersett
- Cytometry Course/Krakow Jurek Dobrucki
- Dupont Axial Centrifugation PBierre@bdis.com
- Re: Linscott's hvanscoy@obgyn.upenn.edu
- FACScan parts wanted Jim Zanghi
- Summary: Recycling HP 340 Monitor Matthias Haury
- RE: Ailing HP340 system Pizzo,Eugene
- Coulter Profile, Excellent Condition Irene J. Check, Ph.D.
- Open Positions Melissa_Ramos@bdis.com
- FITC staining for YEAST Jihan Marjan
- A clean machine Nona Sheila R. Agawin
- FACSCALIBUR Help, Thanks (no name)
- FACSCALIBUR Help, Thanks Christian Schütt
- post sorting fibroblast viability "facs1::isdellf"@rmslab.rockefeller.edu
- core facility staffing levels Christine OConnell
- Conjugated CD68 Cindy Page
- mac to pc. "facs1::isdellf"@rmslab.rockefeller.edu
- Phagocytosis, help needed! mezz001@it.net
- Phoenix Flow System Mikhail K Mazharov
- Ailing HP340 system Nick Goulding
- fw need flowcytometer Elke S.Bergmann-Leitner
- MESF-PerCP, APC tarnok@medizin.uni-leipzig.de
- Request to Join CYTOMETRY from the web server kevinnsara@sprintmail.com
- Phoenix Flow Systems Mikhail K Mazharov
- RE: 7-AAD Flow Cytometry Mail Group
- Phoenix Flow System Mikhail K Mazharov
- Printer problems hugh johnson
- RE: A clean machine! Tom Mc Closkey
- Anti-MDR thanks Jose C. Segovia
- Recycling of HP340 Monitor for Mac ??? Matthias Haury
- A clean machine! Ugo Consoli
- Green Lantern Protein vannt
- Re: PC to Mac? Keith Bahjat
- Discussion Forum: EFCS/EUCS Foundation G.K.Valet
- 10th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium tarnok@medizin.uni-leipzig.de
- PC to Mac? Robin Barclay
- Flow Tech position Jonni S. Moore
- Re: PC to Mac? Matthias Haury
- Greeting FLOWFACS@aol.com
- Baxter Fluoricon beads Joseph Webster
- RNA and FACS julia philips
- PC to Mac? T. Scott Thurmond
- Scientist Assistance Program - WEB Site PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Luciferase labeled probe vannt
- Thanks Nona Sheila R. Agawin
- Job Posting Kristi R. Harkins
- Scooped! JoAnne Thomas
- Help to our collegues from underprivileged countries ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- Cytologic Arnold Pizzey
- Help to our collegues from underprivileged countries ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- phagocytosis Geza Paukovics
- Flow Position Bob Johnson
- RE: Discrimination between G0 and G1 Flow Cytometry Mail Group
- 7-AAD Brent Dorsett
- Sorting Cryptosporidium Oocysts Moss, Delynn M.
- gene copy number Iona O'Brien
- FACScalibur problems, Betsy R. Robertson Christian Schütt
- Re: negative control for cytoplasmic C-mu or CD3 Jeffrey A. Clapper
- gene copy number Pete Macardle
- FACSCalibur 4-color option Pizzo,Eugene
- RE: Phoenix software for Coulter analyser Dan Smith
- Help: FACScalibur problems Pete Macardle
- Sorting Cryptosporidium Oocysts. PETER BERCZ
- Help: FACScalibur problems Christian Schütt
- Phoenix sofware for Coulter analyser Ress, S, Stan, Dr
- Re: negative control for cytoplasmic C-mu or CD3 austin
- Cytometric Analysis of Mouse Blood Ifor Williams, M.D., Ph.D.
- antibody mouse CD36,AvB3 and PL PS C.Jacobs@NEFRO.AZN.NL
- Coulter SQL Database Gary Durack
- Re: negative control for flow crossmatch Karen Henell
- Mouse CD95L Fas ligand O. Joseph Trask, Jr.
- Mouse ab constant regions Byrne, Fergus, M.D.
- Sytox Green Mahesh K. Bhalgat
- (no subject) PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Streichen meiner privaten e-mail Adresse Facscan@aol.com
- DiI-Ac-LDL Rosemarie Catherine Ganassin
- Free Laser! Visia Dragowska
- HeNe/UV calibration beads - summary Barry Grimes
- Sytox Green (Cat # S-7020) Mol. Prob. Annette Arriens
- RE:sheath fluid Pizzo,Eugene
- Conjugated hMDR antibody Jose C. Segovia
- PE-Viability comments KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Mouse ab constant regions Erin Davis
- Phytoplankton sorting John Mahoney
- Center Stream Collection Vincent Falco
- response to :sheath fluid KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Live vs. Dead cells? Mahesh K. Bhalgat
- responses to pe-viability detection KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Commercial Integrin Antibodies Eric Miller
- ISAC Spring Newsletter Nigel Carter
- sheath fluid Marc Langweiler
- phytoplankton sorting John Mahoney
- Re: viability + PE-Ab nan harvey
- Live vs dead cells Dianne Budd
- Laser Repair in Ann Arbor, MI? vanburen%flovax.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Re: Reply: HeNe/UV Calibration beads Wayne Green
- Re: viability + PE-Ab Miller, Mark A.
- Re: negative control for flow crossmatch austin
- Water Chillers for larger lasers David Gebhard
- Normalizing data Jim Zanghi
- Facs lasers David Jenkins
- Re: Trypan Blue Julie Oughton
- HeNe/UV Calibration beads Barry Grimes
- GFP - fixation Derek Davies
- Re: Trypan Blue Viki Mosiman
- Clinical Values sgaffin@NATICK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- Live vs. Dead cells? Adrian Moris
- Re: HRP antibody Ingrid Stahmer
- viability of cells after sorting Nona Sheila R. Agawin
- Employment Opportunity Daniel Deere
- Re: Intracellular Cytokines DODONNEL@svherc.ucd.ie
- CD55, CD59 Aby Vincent Gin
- HRP antibody James W. Jacobberger
- Autofluorescence Quenching Wallace Lauzon
- DNA content of Macrophage Leslie Armstrong
- 4th Annual Clinical Cytometry Symposium Helene Paxton
- Employment Opportunity JOHN JOUBRAN
- RE: References Kelley Lennon
- Clinical Cytometry Society Home Page Linda Tedlock
- Affect of Methotrexate Helene Paxton
- CD13+ AML Robert Pyle
- Lasers for disposal David Jenkins
- Trypan Blue Quenching of Autofluorescence Wallace Lauzon
- References Kevin G Waddick
- Apoptosis detection with Annexin V and DiOC6 -Reply david_hedley@pmh.toronto.on.ca
- Cottontop tamarins and flow analysis Henk Niphuis
- Mepacrine staining of platelets David Trent Dyer
- re:more on classifications of malignancy ernest stapleton
- Re: IC cytokines (Murali Ramanathan) Peter J Openshaw [Medicine]
- AML Robert Pyle
- (no subject) Anna Porwit
- Apoptosis detection with Annexin V and DiOC6 Christian =?iso-8859-1?Q?St=F6ckigt?=
- FACStar Plus Alice L. Givan
- Thank you Christopher Hathaway
- Elite for Sale Keith Bahjat
- Re: Hoechst Red Fluorescence ThatJack@aol.com
- Profile I for sale Murali Ramanathan
- Profile I for sale C. Kevin Becker
- RE: Sorting insect cells? Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- 5th ESACP Congress, May25-30, Oslo G.K.Valet
- RE: Sorting insect cells? Sam Witherspoon
- Part-time Flow Cytometrist. Australian users Robert Nordon
- Employment Opportunities CEL
- Activated neutrophils... PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- murine hematopoietic stem cells gap@MIT.EDU
- re:murine stem cells Steve Neben
- Re: mac clones Paul J. Jansen
- GFP CELL LINE fcm@amlimmun.dgsys.com
- Reed-Sternberg Cells fcm@amlimmun.dgsys.com
- Old style screw-on nozzles Pizzo,Eugene
- murine stem cells gap@MIT.EDU
- Sorting insect cells and other fragile cells Antony Bakke
- Hoechst Red fluorescence? Ayala Sharp
- CD29/green monkeys Ulrich Sack
- mac clones Rochelle A. Diamond
- Cricket source Dawson, Carolyn
- RE: Alternative Sources of Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) for Dan Smith
- kelley@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu biol-ther pathol-immuno
- murine stem cells Arnold Mixon
- Fixatives and their names Miller, Mark A.
- Sperm sorting Gary Durack
- Clinical Applications Courses Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- formaldehyde-paraformaldehyde ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- Sorting insect cells? Geoffrey Osborne
- BrdU staining DIANE M SHARP
- antibody immobilisation Meenakshi Roy
- Alternative Sources of Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) for Endotoxin Test Shelton Murinda
- Calcium flux markers Surgical Labs Resident
- Clinical Flow Course Alice L. Givan
- Two antigens plus DNA staining Howard Ratech
- Detection of STAT proteins by flow ..? H.-G. Kreysch
- Clinical Applications Courses T. Vincent Shankey
- paraformaldehyde question barbara ann butcher
- RE: Zynaxis's PKH-26 Dan Smith
- Collagen Type III Janssens, D, Denise, Mrs
- Cell type and dye help for ACAS? sgaffin@NATICK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- Help Maurice R.G. O'Gorman
- re pan-CD45 antibodies (re-send) D. Robert Sutherland
- Ubiquitin Calman Prussin
- Re: Sperm sorting Derek Davies
- Sperm sorting Steve G. Hilliard
- Chesapeake Cytometry Consortium February Meeting F. Joseph Chrest
- cd23 & plt Janek Brozek
- CD4 Guidelines Nicholson, Janet
- thanks for pointer to Sigma Janet Macpherson
- re pan CD45 antibodies D. Robert Sutherland
- Used FACScan Wanted C. Kevin Becker
- apoptosis in Jurkat cells Andreas Simm
- FACStar for sale Paul Sopp
- Detection of cell cycle controlling proteins John Bertram
- Zynaxis's PKH-26 Janet Macpherson
- Jurkat cells and apoptosis induction Linda.Weaver@sandoz.com
- Indo1 filters Gary A. Ward
- endosome/lysosome markers barbara ann butcher
- Lymphoma classification Kenneth Ault
- DNA + 3-color surface staining Steve Neben
- Re: Lymphomas, Morphology vs. Immunophenotype Conley, Christopher R., M.D.
- DNA + surface staining Steve Neben
- Morphologic and Immunologic Terms for Lymphomas Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Clinical Flow Course Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- DNA + surface staining Steve Neben
- Education in Immunology - Flow Lab Class l.mclean@auckland.ac.nz
- Jurkat cells and apoptosis induction Linda.Weaver@sandoz.com
- Where are you, Abe Schwartz? Linda.Weaver@sandoz.com
- ISAC-- Society Office Dave Coder
- Win '95 on the Coulter XL? Albert D Donnenberg, PhD
- Second hand UVArgon lazer Robert Nordon
- Morphologic and Immunologic Terms for Lymphomas aultk.mmcwp4@mmc.org
- Welcome Joe Samson - ISAC management team... PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- CD10 in Follicular Lymphomas Kees Pot
- Education in Immunology POTHET ALAIN
- anti-cd45 hybridoma Howard Ratech
- Re: CD10 expression in follicular lymphoma Anna Porwit
- FRET-Fluorescence resonance energy transfer Calman Prussin
- OKT3 -Reply David Noskowitz
- FISH Michael Olivier
- Re: CD10 expression in follicular lymphoma Arber, Daniel
- Position available in Pittsburgh Albert D Donnenberg, PhD
- Re: Micro Review Article Hazel Davey
- Position Avalible. Khalid Al-Hussein
- Re: CD10 expression in follicular lymphoma Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- OKT3 Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- re: Source for Annexin V-FITC C.Jacobs@NEFRO.AZN.NL
Last message date: Sat 05 Apr 1997 - 20:36:54 EST
Archived on: Mon Jul 28 1997 - 00:37:42 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director,
PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Phone: (765)-494-0757;
FAX(765) 494-0517;