There are several sources of antibody specific for Factor VIII but the data
regarding cross-reactivity of these antibodies with other species is
sometimes contradictory. DAKO sells a polyclonal rabbit anti-human Factor
VIII-related antigen and they state that it demonstrates cross-reactivity
with pig. I have used this antibody in an immunoperoxidase stain of
porcine endothelial cells and it did not work. I'm not sure if this is
because the antibody is not cross-reactive or if factor VIII is not
expressed on the cultured cells. The literature suggests either case may
be true. The only other source of anti-human Factor VIII that is
cross-reactive with pig is Biomeda (Foster, CA). I do not have any
personal experience with this antibody but I did find a reference to its
use in demonstrating Factor VIII on cultured pig endothelial cells
(Cardiovasc. Res. 1995. Dec; 30(6): 841-7). I do not know of any moab's
that are cross-reactive. Hope this helps.
Robert Schmitt
LLUMC Immunology Center
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Pig moab's
Author: at InterNetMailMC
Date: 3/29/97 2:06 PM
An investigator at my center is trying to find antibodies for flow to
pig Factor VIII and CD56(N-CAM). We looked through all of our catalogs
as well as the linscott's directory and came up blank. Does anybody out
there know of a source or of moab's to other species for these two
antigens that are cross-reactive to pig?
Thanks in Advance.
John Knapp
Diabetes Research Institute
University of Miami
Miami, Florida, USA
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
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