Re: Trypan Blue

Viki Mosiman (
Wed, 22 Jan 1997 17:07:58 -0600

In response to Wallace Lauzon, Tue Jan 21 1997

A while back (last year?!) we were doing a quite a bit of work with trypan
blue for use as a counterstain. I presented a poster and a talk in
Charleston where we demonstrated this technique for use with surface
antibodies, in situ PCR, and in situ hybridization. We have successfully
used it in single and dual color (FITC/PE) staining. The paper has been
submitted, but if you'd rather get the info sooner than later, I'd be more
than happy to share our protocol, and experiences with you.

Drop me an e-mail.

Viki Mosiman
RHLCC Flow Cytometry Core Research Facility
Northwestern Univ

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