Commercial source for anti-human integrin alpha 4 beta 7

Ronald L. Rabin, M.D. (
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 15:51:52 +0800

Paul Jensen replied

>On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Ronald L. Rabin, M.D. wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 07:59:01 +0800
>> From: Ronald L. Rabin, M.D. <>
>> To: Cytometry Mailing List <>
>> Subject: Commercial source for anti-human integrin alpha 4 beta 7
>> > Hi flowers,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > We would like to know if somebody is aware of a commercial source of
>> >anti-human integrin alpha 4 beta 7 /
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > thanks in advance
>> >
>> >
>> > Nathalie
>> No dice, to my knowledge. You can get from Leukosite, Cambridge, MA, after
>> signing their MTA. Good luck. The only antibody I know of is called Act-1.
>> ron
>> Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
>> Clinical Associate
>> Cytokine Biology Unit
>> phone: (301) 402-4910
>> fax: (301) 496-7383
>> e-mail:
>Not to be rude, but WRONG! ATCC clone DATK32, and I believe that
>Pharmingen also produces one, I think, check their catalog.
>Paul J Jansen
>DUMC Immunology

That particular clone recognizes the mouse heterodimer. Perhaps there is
cross-reactivity between the two, but last I spoke with Pharmingen, they
don't have a clone that recognizes human. This is the best of my knowledge,
but I may wrong, but I am not "WRONG!"

And Paul, to type "WRONG!" is rude, and perhaps you should check the
catalog before you type such things.


Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
Clinical Associate
Cytokine Biology Unit
phone: (301) 402-4910
fax: (301) 496-7383

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