Purdue Cytometry Mailing List Archive by thread
Starting: Mon 13 Jul 1992 - 00:00:-35927 EST
Ending: Thu 17 Feb 1994 - 10:21:08 EST
Messages: 642
- Summary Kristi R Harkins
- PE conjugates Julie Auger
- Position available Dave Coder
- RE: apoptosis vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- apoptosis Christopher A. Worth
- 3 color phenotyping with Pe Tony Ward
- 3 color phenotyping Dawson, Carolyn
- FWD>Bio/Medical Sciences CD Mike Lance
- Re: FACSnet - Novell Workplace Ramon J. Hontanon
- cytoplasmic staining BallasZ@intmed-po.int-med.uiowa.edu
- Flow discussion Group Christine P. Jeffery
- CERT SUNos memo Peter Lopez
- 3 color phenotyping Yashpal Agrawal
- granuloma/eosinophils vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- CERT memo Peter Lopez
- Filters and Cy5 Dave Coder
- RE: Sci Fi (ve) mystery Gary Durack
- cc:Mail SMTPLINK 2.0 Undeliverable Message CJGROS@ccmail.monsanto.com
- Job Listing, SyStemix, Inc. Dennis Sasaki
- Sci Fi (ve) mystery Marc Langweiler
- Magnetic Cell Separation Kristi R Harkins
- RE: Calcium flux Eric Martz
- Calcium flux Mario Roederer
- RE: BIG FILES Dr Stephen Young
- Position wanted Steve Kelley
- Lithium FLUX???? Christopher A. Worth
- RE: Sorting by FSC and SSC Eric Martz
- RE: Sorting by FSC and SSC Eric Martz
- Bring on the Clones! Gary Durack
- Sorting by FSC and SSC HENRY H. WORTIS
- autocloning on EPICS 752 system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- Sorting with EPICS 752 into 96 well Joshua Cherry
- Cell Sorting Purity MARDER_PHILIP@Lilly.com
- DNA histograms Dean Hewish
- sort purity Geri Pingul
- Becton Dickinson FACS 440 and FACS Analyzer John W. Joubran
- Blue book? :) Marc Langweiler
- An archiving question? J. Paul Robinson
- Flow Standards Roger Burger
- RE: BIG files Eric Martz
- Q: How to measure hydrolase activity ? Anna Lubecka
- Chromosomes preparation ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- RE: BIG files Benjamin C. Hunsberger
- Large data files Gary C. Salzman
- Position available HENRY H. WORTIS
- Mac Software Julie Auger
- RE: BIG files Doug Smoot
- Re: Autofluoroscence spectra Joseph Narai
- Fine needle aspiration and colonic biopsies Markl Kido - the Rasta-Ganja BuddHA
- Anti-non_classical MHC-antibodies...wanted ASAP SANJEEV KUMAR
- MFI bug & workaround Eric Martz
- MFI 3.4F available. Eric Martz
- Happy Holiday Peter Lopez
- Flowcytometry sites in India Yashpal Agrawal
- Marker fo Mink B-cells Roger Burger
- RE: ELITE drift Mike Salmon
- Marker for Mink B Cells Roger Burger
- Midwest User's Meeting Fred Molnar
- ELITE drift larry seamer
- Where can I get FlowMATE? Ivan Shaw
- New Bead Question USA::SW11527
- Another Log on the Fire Howard Shapiro
- Anti CD8 antibodies Bruce Shenker
- Flow Rates Susan D. DEMAGGIO
- Basophil Identification Burt Houtz
- UV-excitable Beads USA::SW11527
- basophil detection ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- Position Available Tom Delohery
- Hp file uploads Geoffrey W Osborne
- RE: Translating Elite files Eric Martz
- Translating Elite files Steve Kelley
- h1914lus@ella.hu (G. Lustyik) *
- Re: chicken blood Mike Lance
- Re: chicken blood Dave Coder
- Eosinophils Geoffrey W Osborne
- RE: Flow Discussion Group facs
- RE: Flow Discussion Group ANDREAS@genetik.uni-koeln.de
- HP Mac communication *
- Translating Elite files Hoogveld, Hans
- Flow Discussion Group Christine P. Jeffery
- Help !! convert MDADS to DOS P.V. SYAMASUNDAR
- Arc Lamp Analyzer (Analyser) Gary Durack
- Winlist query Geoffrey W Osborne
- Looking for morphometry software Mario Nenno
- International Cytometry Sym SYAMASUNDAR"26-NOV-1993.13.56@nii.ernet.in
- International Cytometry Sym Mike Lance
- RE: dye soln, and blank beads as a standard MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- dye soln. and blank beads as a standard vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Macintosh conversion jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- FISH for Flow Mark Edinger
- Sodium Green kelley@mrc.com
- Image Cytometry brucem@cbme.unsw.edu.au
- Datafile format & transfer Centenary Institute
- Sodium Green Jim Henthorn
- Buff Buffers Peter Lopez
- looking for half wave retarder Dave Coder
- RE: Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Gary Durack
- Sheath buffers/H2O/PBS Joseph Trotter - Salk Institute Flow Cytometry
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? "PCLRB2::N_GOULDING"@V1.BARTS.LON.AC.UK
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- Training courses & RBC half-life ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- HOW FAR IS THE OLD LOG AMP? Howard Shapiro
- RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- log-amp transfer function larry seamer
- Re: Log amps, bits, and smoothing Marty Bigos
- log data in 1024 channels Tom Delohery
- log-amp transfer function Robb Habbersett
- sheath buffer ? Yashpal Agrawal
- sheath buffer ? Yashpal Agrawal
- AIS Celector Flasks Roger Burger
- Vbeta usage a_edwards@omega.lif.icnet.uk
- Vbeta usage a_edwards@omega.lif.icnet.uk
- List Mode data format Becky Bonner
- Job Offers Steve Kelley
- AIS CD34 Selection Kenneth Ault
- Electronic Noise/Detection Sensitivity Kristi R Harkins
- AIS Celector Flasks Dave Gebhard
- Direct Virus Measurement? James Weaver 202-205-5037
- FACS Vantage performance (was: FACSort Throughput) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Some help for a first time user Markl Kido - the Rasta-Ganja BuddHA
- Vbeta usage... P.V. Syamasundar
- For Sale: 1989 Coulter Profile II Brian Hall
- Software -New releases Benjamin C. Hunsberger
- Optimus Image Analysis System Becky Bonner
- Fluorochromes conjugate to dUTP's Kristi R Harkins
- non-hodgkins lymphoma STAN RESS
- RE: sort rate/purity/EPICS752 James P. Slattery
- sort rate/purity/EPICS752 Kristi R Harkins
- Flow Cytometry/Neural Networks James McCudden
- Coulter upgrades? David Chambers
- Lost Data Centenary Institute
- FACSort Leon Martin
- lost data jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- RE: Listing listmode Eric Martz
- Mean calculation spreadsheet: UUencoded Geoffrey W Osborne
- ToTo and YoYo bruce
- ASCII data manipulation etc Geoffrey W Osborne
- Listing Listmode Steve Kelley
- Listing listmode Steve Hilliard
- OS/2 Christopher A. Worth
- Practical Flow Cytometry - 3rd Edition Howard Shapiro
- Optimus image analysis system Becky Bonner
- color ccd's Becky Bonner
- LYSYS II => Cicero Users Lisa Johnson
- OS/2 Applications paul clark
- Quenching of fluorescein Joachim Betz
- 3rd Iberian Cytometry Meeting Nov15-18, Porto J. Paul Robinson
- extended file listing jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- FACSort Throughput ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- Hoechst 33342 david jerome adams
- Data backup for HP 340 (FACScan) Kenneth Ault
- Re: Detection of beta-galactosidase Richard Alexander
- Re: Detection of beta-galactosidase dbk
- Resale prices, used cytometers Steve Kelley
- LacZ B-gal Christopher A. Worth
- Immunostaining of cytoplasmic proteins clap@iastate.edu
- Neutropenia in Dogs ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- Flow Cytometry Operator at The University of Vermont kelley@mrc.com
- Flow Cytometry Operator at The University of Vermont R_BUDD@uvmvax.uvm.edu
- Input for Flow Cytometry Data File Standard Update Gary C. Salzman
- Indo-1 Loading of Monolayers USA::SW11527
- RE: TIFF files Dr Stephen Young
- RE:freeware for cell cycle analysis ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- RE:manipulation of Tiff files ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- HP Mouse Mike Lance
- Freezing cells RAINER@phs.bgsm.wfu.edu
- TIFF files david w. galbraith
- WinList Course Benjamin C. Hunsberger
- ISAC E-mail query cjgros@ccmail.monsanto.com
- Re: Returned mail: User unknow Thomas Mchugh
- microtiter tray sample injector ? Geoffrey W Osborne
- micronuclei/reticulocyte SHAH@ciit.org
- Reticulocyte pipetting and sed rates ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- DNA linearity Alice L. Givan
- Position available jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- FACS Related Problem kelley@mrc.com
- RE: A FACS related problem salmonm
- Replies to following inquiry USA::SW11527
- A FACS related problem sanjeev@nii.ernet.in
- acridine orange Christine P. Jeffery
- Magneto-Optical Drive ? James Weaver 202-205-5037
- freeware for cell cycle analysis ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- Orthos david w. galbraith
- RE: biosaftey/software Doug Smoot
- RE: biosaftey/software Eric Martz
- biosaftey/software kharkins@iastate.edu
- beam height Christopher A. Worth
- Ortho Cytofluorograf beam height and width James W. Jacobberger
- Position available Tom Delohery
- Position available Peter Lopez
- Position available Peter Lopez
- apoptosis: Acridine Orange - Eth Br shyam@nii.ernet.in
- RE: 10BaseT Hookups for HP 3xx vanburen%flovax.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Orpegen probes J. Paul Robinson
- Phagocytosis, Phagotest kit, Orpegen ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- 10BaseT Hookups for HP 3xx Ron Mickaels
- Data Recovery Steve Kelley
- WANT TO DISCUSS? Dawson, Carolyn
- Re: FACScan 310 -> 340 Mike Lance
- RE: Biohazardous properties of sorters Eric Martz
- Sorting Biohazards James Weaver 202-205-5037
- HP upgrades kukuruga%kasle1.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- HP UPGRADES Tom Delohery
- Biohazard sorting kelley@mrc.com
- Biohazardous properties of sorters Neal Benson
- EMAIL addresses J. Paul Robinson
- Fw: Blue book David Galbraith
- Elite Software-Gateway 2000 problems Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- ISAC Poster Sessions Scott Cram
- ELITE software under OS/2 Steve Kelley
- EMAIL addresses J. Paul Robinson
- Meetings - Cytometry J. Paul Robinson
- RE: FACScan 310 -> 340 Eric Martz
- FACSScan wanted Brian Hall
- Market value EPICS C ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- RE: Yeast and Elites David Galbraith
- VAX VMS question Peter Lopez
- Position Sought MARTENS@sorter.pathology.rochester.edu
- Calling all statisticians... Steve Hilliard
- MFI Preprint Eric Martz
- No Subject Christopher A. Worth
- Re: data analysis on PCs Dave Coder
- Re: WinNT IVAN@MNI.lan.mcgill.ca
- OS/2: TCP/IP, NFS Christopher A. Worth
- OS/2: TCP/IP, NFS Eric Martz
- Quick questions about specimen processing RAINER@phs.bgsm.wfu.edu
- networking OS/2 Christopher A. Worth
- pathworks etc. Christopher A. Worth
- ELITE, DEC Pathworks, and TCP/IP system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- MFI Tutorial Available Eric Martz
- Re: Ratio on FACS Vantage/FA Mike Lance
- RE: Ratio on FACS Vantage/FACSt Doug Smoot
- Ratio on FACS Vantage/FACSt Mike Lance
- Re: illustrative data Eric Martz
- MFI 3.4D available at new ftp site Eric Martz
- Re: 10BaseT adapters Dave Coder
- sodium green intracellular calibration Jim Henthorn
- Optical disks etc .. Geoffrey W Osborne
- reply to Salmon Christopher A. Worth
- Ethernet Converter Neal Benson
- cell cycle problems Tom Delohery
- cell cycle problems Dr M Salmon
- Optical Cartridge Systems durack gary
- Position sought. HSKG1@phx.cam.ac.uk
- Enterprise Lasers J. Paul Robinson
- Bering Address Peter Lopez
- Enterprise laser Peter Lopez
- Sodium Green Stephen Kelley
- Sodium Green Stephen Kelley
- Sodium Green kelley@mrc.com
- HP mouse update Lisa Johnson
- Ratio analysis kelley@mrc.com
- Re: Calculating ratios between lasers MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- ELITE USERS? Christopher A. Worth
- Source for HP mouse? Lisa Johnson
- Bering Bernoulli Richard Allan Cox
- Repository Steve Kelley
- repository for flow data files Robb Habbersett
- For Sale Geri Pingul
- Vantage file still wanted Eric Martz
- Illustrative data by ftp Eric Martz
- Large particle analysis James Weaver 202-205-5037
- RE: large particle sorting (& high viscosity samples) Eric Martz
- large particle sorting Dave Coder
- User fee survey--ancient history!! Steve Hilliard
- Vantage/FCS 2.0 data files wanted Eric Martz
- HP file recovery Dave Coder
- VAX question Peter Lopez
- dichroic filter mount for FACStar Dave Coder
- Freezing cells for later analysis Dr M Salmon
- Cuvette for Vantage?(also, polarization detecton) Menard Isabelle
- Cuvette for Vantage?(also, polarization detecton) Jim Uzgiris
- Quartz cuvette for the FACS Vantage Gregor Rothe
- Slit scan optics for the Elite DGALBRAI@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU
- FWD: NEW: CRUST-L - Discussion Group on Crustacean Issues vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Lysis II -> IBM-PC files. HSKG1@phx.cam.ac.uk
- Staining leukocytes before freezing Dr M Salmon
- Staining leukocytes before freezing? hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- LysisII to Mac tranfer program Condie E. Carmack
- insect flow karyotyping system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- simultaneous Indo-1 and Texas Red or Cy5 system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- Speedy Free Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- Response to John Chan - chromosomes Scott Cram
- Chromosomes Chan John
- Facscan Sheath and Waste Tanks Gary A. Ward
- Re: HP Kermit Dave Coder
- RE: HP<-->IBM serial transfer Eric Martz
- IEEE-488 backup Peter Lopez
- HP<-->IBM serial transfer CLINEA%AM%RWEI00@mr.bas.roche.com
- ethernet ftp speed (?) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- follow up HP>> PC Geoffrey W Osborne
- follow up HP>> PC Christopher A. Worth
- follow up HP>> PC Christopher A. Worth
- Transfer rate HP->PC Dave Coder
- Transfer rate HP->PC Eric Martz
- hp>>PC Christopher A. Worth
- FCS File headers kelley@mrc.com
- FACSCAN -> PC Nick Viner
- RE: fcs file headers vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- FCS file headers Steve Kelley
- fcs file headers Alice L. Givan
- optical disks and long term storage J. Paul Robinson
- Questions James W. Jacobberger
- BD data storage Leon Martin
- BD data storage vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Re: recovered data (Alice Givan) Leon Martin
- recovered data Alice L. Givan
- MFI 3.4b Available Eric Martz
- MFI 3.4a Available Eric Martz
- Position Available kharkins@iastate.edu
- PC Software Upgraded (MFI) Eric Martz
- h1913szo@ella.hu (Janos Szollosi May 24, 93) H1913Szo@huella.bitnet
- Temporary abscence Steve Kelley
- Water Microbiology workshop Joseph Alan NARAI
- old instruments Christopher A. Worth
- Facscan Sheath/Waste Tanks Gary A. Ward
- Fw: RE: old cytometers Eric Martz
- RE: old cytometers Eric Martz
- FACScan sheath tanks Geoffrey W Osborne
- RE: old cytometers Eric Martz
- old cytometers Alice L. Givan
- old instruments Christopher A. Worth
- FACScan supply tanks kelley@mrc.com
- Old instruments Christopher A. Worth
- FACScan supply tanks Leon Martin
- leukocyte control ques. (re-stated) Leon Martin
- Dignified (Old) Instruments Leon Martin
- leaky FACScan supply tanks vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- FACScan supply tanks kukuruga%kasle1.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Vintage Flow Instruments Tom Delohery
- CD Chex cells Tom Mchugh
- leukocyte control ques. (re-stated) IRBH000
- controls J. Paul Robinson
- Dignified (Old) Instruments J. Paul Robinson
- controls J. Paul Robinson
- Used instrument prices kelley@mrc.com
- CD-Chex control cells IRBH000
- Price of old instruments J. Paul Robinson
- Bangs Lab Christopher A. Worth
- LYSYS II & FACStar leon martin
- Position Open Steve Kelley
- Blue book David Galbraith
- Bernoullis Alice L. Givan
- acquisition/analysis accounting vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- position request JONKERRR@TNO.NL
- INDO-1 Christopher A. Worth
- ER Ca fluxes with indo Dr Stephen Young
- Dog leukocyte antigens Linda Jacobson
- Good CV's for DNA Histograms Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- CD26 DPPIV ? Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- FAS antigen auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- RE: Bird blood and lizard blood kukuruga%kasle1.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- sperm and flow cytometry auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- Heparin Sulfate: does it autofluoresce? IVAN@MNI.lan.mcgill.ca
- Bird blood and lizard blood GEORGINA@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU
- joe trotter's flow software leon martin
- Flow software Joseph Trotter
- Annual Course in Flow Cytometry Penn State Flow lab 863-2762 or 865
- Annual Course in Flow Cytometry Jim Jett
- Re FACS PC Acquisition Geoffrey W Osborne
- other lists of interest? vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- User's Meeting in Houston Mike Lance
- Filter boxes kelley@mrc.com
- Filter holders Peter Lopez
- Deer immunophenotyping?? hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- Returned mail: Unable to deliver mail Mail Delivery Subsystem
- Returned mail: Unable to deliver mail Mail Delivery Subsystem
- Time tracking on HP's Neal Benson
- FACS PC Acquisition Eric Martz
- Addendum to Fees survey hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- User Fees Survey hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- Avian rbc preservation James Slattery
- hepatocytes Christopher A. Worth
- Hepatocytes hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- FACS cooling Peter Lopez
- Publication quality ELITE plots LPILARSK@vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA
- FCM Software for Macs? Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- Infiltrating lymphocyte isolation Dave Gebhard
- Printouts J. Paul Robinson
- publication-quality histograms Geoffrey W Osborne
- publication-quality histograms Dan Coury
- IDL & X-windows vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- sorters vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Boston users group Peter Lopez
- Re: HP Print Buffers Mike Lance
- Free PC Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- PC Lysys (THE program) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Possible re-posts Steve Kelley
- indo-1 vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- HP print buffers Peter Lopez
- auto DNA analysis vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- PC Lysys (THE program) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- indo-1 vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- flow cytometry acquisition cdd1@CIDHIV7.EM.CDC.GOV
- flow cytometry acquisition AMOSB@ibm3090.bham.ac.uk
- flow cytometry acquisition MCFARLAN@tui.lincoln.ac.nz
- Position Opening auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- 3rd party sw vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Ionophore cleanup Peter Lopez
- Third Party Cytometry Software IVAN@MNI.lan.mcgill.ca
- flow cytometer purchase Donald C. Reason
- Re-Posted from Usenet Stephen Kelley
- Image session at ISAC paul@vphb.vet.purdue.edu
- 5 Fluorescence detectors on Facstar Plus Per Prytz
- Free PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- Lasers for Sale Steve Kelley
- Image Analysis Decisions J. Paul Robinson
- frozen lymphocytes auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- bivariate analysis James Slattery
- Auto-Directory Gary Durack
- Auto-Directory ERIC MARTZ
- Image Analysis - Help Please! paul@vphb.vet.purdue.edu
- Sorter for sale paul@vphb.vet.purdue.edu
- 514nm FACScan? ERIC MARTZ
- pH insensitive fluorescence? ERIC MARTZ
- 514nm FACScan? ERIC MARTZ
- Used lasers ZETTLER, ERIK
- Free PC Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- separating fat cells from monocytes system@flocyt.im-flocyt.uiowa.edu
- reposted message Steve Kelley
- Absolute Cell Density ZETTLER, ERIK
- Free PC Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- query Linda Pilarski Professor
- Detection of ANCA by flow cytometry? Marc.Langweiler@Dartmouth.EDU
- Non-activating CD's on T cells Geoffrey W Osborne
- Non-activating CD's on T cells Geoffrey W Osborne
- Non-activating CD's on T cells Dr Stephen Young
- Graphics froom flow cytometry J. Paul Robinson
- Transfer to Harvard Graphics Linda Pilarski Professor
- RE: Kinetics, unrinsed? MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- time-slicing vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Time slicing Peter Lopez
- Kinetics, unrinsed? ERIC MARTZ
- FACSnet file transfer Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- REFRIGERATOR AIDS hhscdc!reb4/O=CDC/OU=CINC/OU=NIOBBS1@mhs.attmail.com
- Position available Peter Lopez
- Free PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- h1913szo@ella.hu (Janos Szollosi 12/16/92) H1913Szo@huella.bitnet
- Correction: Ab vs. TRITC ERIC MARTZ
- h1913szo@ella.hu (Janos Szollosi 12/16/92) H1913Szo@huella.bitnet
- CD4 enumeration Marc.Langweiler@Dartmouth.EDU
- Elite Touchscreen problems DGALBRAI@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU
- Abs Killed by TRITC? ERIC MARTZ
- Mailing List Directory Steve Kelley
- Ca++ indicators auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- indo-1 J. Paul Robinson
- Quality of Indo-1 Dr Stephen Young
- DNA Aneuploidy Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Free PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- Liposomes Steve Kelley
- DNA aneuploidy Linda Pilarski Professor
- position available, Seattle Dave Coder
- New Elite flow cell James Weaver 202-205-5037
- ink for ink jet printers Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- ACDU Gary.A.Ward@Dartmouth.EDU
- Identifying yourself ERIC MARTZ
- compensation circuit JONKERRR@TNO.NL
- Comparing a test with itself Linda Jacobson
- low sort recovery steve@rheuma.bham.ac.uk
- Free PC Software (MFI v. 3) ERIC MARTZ
- low sort recovery Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Microtiter Plates & FCM J. Paul Robinson
- laser selection advice gezelte@rockvax.ROCKEFELLER.EDU
- FCS compression Steve Kelley
- FCS compression ERIC MARTZ
- Sort Yields Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Orthogonal deflection sorting? ERIC MARTZ
- Reproducibility of FACS Titrations ERIC MARTZ
- Free PC FACS software ERIC MARTZ
- HP and DEC graphics screen capture FACS_COPY@wehi.edu.au
- HP graphics screens opened on IBM Pc? MAP111Y@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au
- Directory of Participants Steve Kelley
- Reproducibility of FACS Titrations ERIC MARTZ
- Re: Three Color Compensation MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- Three Colour Compensation Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Job Service ? James Weaver 202-205-5037
- Live/Dead Assays John J. Ladasky II
- Three Colour Compensation Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Free PC FACS Time Slicing Kinetics Software ERIC MARTZ
- RE: Info request from Usenet Robert F. Murphy
- Info request from Usenet Stephen Kelley
- Info request from Usenet Stephen Kelley
- Position Available Geoffrey W Osborne
- Position Available Geoffrey W Osborne
- Position Available Bill Hyun
- Need PeCAN 1.2 Source Code ERIC MARTZ
- FACScan available Tom Mchugh
- Availability of DOS and VMS programs via anonymous FTP Robert F. Murphy
- FACScan Biomedical Engineer Training Dave Coder
- Getting modal values and ASCII listings on Consort/VAX systems Robert F. Murphy
- MACs Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- BD ethernet connection Steve Kelley
- BD ethernet connection Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- BrdU versus PI Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- BrdU versus PI Phil Marder, MC625, Ext 6-5071, Drop 0444
- Position sought. HSKG1@phx.cam.ac.uk
- CONSORT 40 data printout vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Need HPTOIBM (update) ERIC MARTZ
- Re: Data retrieval from FACS Mike Lance
- number of cells per channel Gary.A.Ward@Dartmouth.EDU
- Data retrieval from FACS 440 files IRBH000
- Re: Geometric Mean Robert F. Murphy
- means Paul.M.Guyre@Dartmouth.EDU
- Geometric vs. Arithmetic Me Mike Lance
- Re: Wavelength Shift Calibration Geoffrey W Osborne
- Re: Wavelength Shift Calibration Robert F. Murphy
- Measurement of Free Dye in the Core Stream Gary Durack
Last message date: Thu 17 Feb 1994 - 10:21:08 EST
Archived on: Sun Jul 27 1997 - 23:53:12 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director,
PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Phone: (765)-494-0757;
FAX(765) 494-0517;