
Geoffrey W Osborne (gwo215@cscgpo.anu.edu.au)
Mon, 6 Dec 93 13:52:02 EST

Does anyone have any experience sorting eosinophils ? I'm after a protocol
for pre-sort enrichment if anyone has one, and information about mouse
eosinophil specific markers, if someone knows what they are. The only
method I had thought of for enrichment was infected the mouse, with say a
protozoan parasite and attempting to sort the resulting eosinophilia. This
seems a bit crude and I would prefer not to infect the mouse. The eosinophils
are required for PCR.
All replies and suggestions welcome,
Thanks Geoff.

Geoffrey Osborne | ____ __ o Ahh!
Flow Cytometry (FACS LAB) | __ `\ <,_
John Curtin School of Medical Research, | __ (*)/ (*)
Australian National University, | ==============|
Email: Geoff.Osborne@anu.edu.au | |--|... Splat!

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