sort purity

Geri Pingul (
Tue, 18 Jan 1994 11:59:37 -0800 (PST)

We are sorting a <1% population and getting ~50% enrichment on our
sorters. We have sorted this population on three different cell sorters
with the same results. The manufacturer suggests that we sort twice,
enriching for the population during the first sort. This becomes
prohibitive because of the volume of sample we are dealing with. The
sample has already been enriched for the population with magnetic beads
prior to sorting. Is this the best we can expect or are there sorting
"tricks" we can use to achieve better purity?

We have tried both 2 and 3 drop sorts with no improvement. Would phase
gating improve purity significantly? Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Please respond to
Geri Pingul
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
(206) 667-6863 fax(206) 667-5216

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