VAX question

Peter Lopez (
Tue, 13 Jul 1993 12:23:38 -0400 (EDT)

Hi ,

I don't remember ever coming across this before, but when doing a
SHOW SYSTEM on my VAX I noticed a process without a name.Can anyone
tell me what thats from? It went away after a reboot. Ive included
output from a SHOW PROCESS/ALL for this process. Thanks for any input!

13-JUL-1993 09:53:32.52 User: <login> Process ID: 000000E6
Process name: ""

User Identifier: [SYSTEM]
Base priority: 4
Default file spec: Not available

Devices allocated: NET256:

Process Quotas:
Account name: .<login>
CPU limit: Infinite Direct I/O limit: 40
Buffered I/O byte count quota: 44760 Buffered I/O limit: 60
Timer queue entry quota: 19 Open file quota: 98
Paging file quota: 17826 Subprocess quota: 8
Default page fault cluster: 64 AST quota: 149
Enqueue quota: 30 Shared file limit: 0
Max detached processes: 0 Max active jobs: 0

Accounting information:
Buffered I/O count: 120897 Peak working set size: 2337
Direct I/O count: 22 Peak virtual size: 7226
Page faults: 2159 Mounted volumes: 0
Images activated: 0
Elapsed CPU time: 0 00:20:07.99
Connect time: 0 17:06:23.37

Process privileges:
SETPRV may set any privilege bit
TMPMBX may create temporary mailbox
NETMBX may create network device

There is 1 process in this job:

(PID 000000E6) (*)


Peter A. Lopez (617)632-3179 (voice)
Dana Farber Cancer Institute (617)632-3139 (voice)
Core Flow Cytometry Facility NO FAX!
44 Binney St. Room J-312
Boston,MA 02115


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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web , EMAIL