RE: apoptosis
Mon, 14 Feb 94 12:45:58 -0500

Biomedical Engineer, BCC, asked about improving the separation between
apoptotic cells and G0/G1 cells. We looked at apoptosis originally with
PI, but have since switched to DAPI. In both cases, we were not interested
in cell cycle information, so I just increased the HV gain such that the
G0/G1 cells fell in the middle of the scale (512/1024). This seems
to separate the populations a little better without adding too much noise.
I haven't tried increasing the G0/G1 peak any higher than half-scale,
since it was not necessary in our case, but it could be helpful.

/\/\/\ Eric Van Buren,
\ \ \ Immunlogy & Microbiology
\_^_/ Wayne State University

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