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Antibodies, Reagents, Fluorescent Probes
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- Caltag Laboratories
- Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation
- Chromaprobe, Inc.
- Cytek Flow Cytometry Products
- Cytimmune Sciences Inc
- Coulter
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- Exalpha
- Flow-Amp Systems, Ltd.
- Genzyme Corporation
- Immune Source
- Integrated Diagnostics, Inc.
- Immuno Quality Products
- Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories
- Leinco Technologies, Inc.
- Milteni Biotec
- Molecular Probes
- NEN Life Science Products, Inc.
- OncoImmunin, Inc.
- One Lambda, Inc.
- Orpegen Pharma
- Partec Flow Cytometry
- PharMingen Corporation
- Phoenix Flow
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- Research Diagnostics, Inc.
- Serotec Homepage
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