
PIC Converter


Contributor: Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
Author: Peng Xi
PIC Converter helps you to convert your images into Bio-Rad PIC format. It requires a 32 bit Microsoft Windows operating system.

“Not only do I stand on the shoulders of the giants, but also I try my best to provide my shoulders for others to stand on.” 

--Peng Xi, Purdue University Cytometry Labs


PIC Converter

You might have experienced the power of Confocal Assistant. Now, when you have a set of images which is NOT Bio-Rad PIC format, what can you do to use Confocal Assistant? I searched hard and found that there is no simple answer. In this website Lance Ladic gave a solution to this (, but it is difficult to put into practice. So, I compiled this small program to answer this question. In order to recognize the various image formats, I used NIH ImageJ, a very professional open-source image processing software presented by Wayne Rasband.


Usage: Use ImageJ to convert your image sequences to RAW data series, then use PIC converter to convert the raw files to Bio-rad PIC format.


Step 1: Open ImageJ, File-Import-Image Sequences;


Step 2: Convert all images to 8-bit. Choose Image-type-8 bit.


Step 3: Save the image sequences to Raw data series. Choose File-Save As-Image Sequences, then select “Raw” and name the data series.


Step 4: Load the image files in PIC Converter. Use Control or Shift key to select multiple files as shown in the red circle.




Step 5: Name the destination file, and input the width and height pixel number of the image (shown in the green circle). Click “Convert” to start the conversion. The destination PIC file will be stored on the same working path as the raw data.


Step 6: If you like this small software, send an email to the author! It is extremely easy: Click on Help-About-Email author, an Email will be prepared for you to send! Your support is very important to the author.



Download available for: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP


Download an EXE version (60KB)

Download an Installation  Version (3,690KB)



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