The BRYTE HS is a state-of-the-art arc lamp flow cytometer with applications in such areas as microbiology, DNA analysis and immunophenotyping. Use of an advanced Xenon or Xenon-Mercury arc lamp allows selection from a wide range of excitation wavelengths, from the UV though the visible spectrum. A variety of easily installed single and dual excitation and emission wavelength filter sets allows for the use of any of the dye combinations used in flow cytometry.
- Selectable excitation and emission wavelengths
- Absolute particle counting capability
- Resolution of size difference of less than 20 nanometers
- Forward and wide angle light scatter PMTs; 2 or 3 fluorescence PMTs
The key advantages of the BRYTE HS flow cytometer are :
- Visible and UV excitation
- Very small particle analysis
- Excellent for bacterial analysis