Our lab software is here (PUCL Software page)
Here is a new Free flow software Floreada.io
You might like to try it. Its an online software which may well be the future of flow software.....
For a list of Tutorials on High Throughtput Flow analysis please visit this page
High Throughput Flow cytometry
see the video demonstrations and tutorials
A tutorial by Dr Gérald Grégori on WinMDI, the free-package that Joe Trotter wrote for the analysis of flow cytometry listmode datafiles:(PDF)
Catalog of Free Flow Cytometry Software
- Cyflogic - Perttu Terho
- Flow Explorer - Ron Hoebe
- FCS Express (Commercial Product) - De Novo Software
- Java Spectra Widgets - Joe Trotter
- WinMDI Software - Joe Trotter
- FCS Assistant - Ray Hicks
- FCS Press - Ray Hicks
- FlowJo Demo - Tree Star, Inc.
- Confocal Assistant - Todd Clark Brelje
- MFI and FC Software Verification Suite - Eric Martz
- Milteni Biotec - Macsquant
- LDATAPP - Valery Patsekin
- PIC Converter - Peng Xi
- CYTOWIN - Daniel Vaulot
Newly Added
TASBEFlowAnalytics - Jake Beal
Link to Phototek lab for single photon technology