Purdue Cytometry EMail Archive by thread
Starting: Mon 13 Jul 1992 - 00:00:-35927 EST
Ending: Thu 17 Feb 1994 - 10:21:08 EST
Messages: 642
- Summary Kristi R Harkins
- PE conjugates Julie Auger
- Position available Dave Coder
- RE: apoptosis vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- apoptosis Christopher A. Worth
- 3 color phenotyping with Pe Tony Ward
- 3 color phenotyping Dawson, Carolyn
- FWD>Bio/Medical Sciences CD Mike Lance
- Re: FACSnet - Novell Workplace Ramon J. Hontanon
- cytoplasmic staining BallasZ@intmed-po.int-med.uiowa.edu
- Flow discussion Group Christine P. Jeffery
- CERT SUNos memo Peter Lopez
- 3 color phenotyping Yashpal Agrawal
- granuloma/eosinophils vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- CERT memo Peter Lopez
- Filters and Cy5 Dave Coder
- RE: Sci Fi (ve) mystery Gary Durack
- cc:Mail SMTPLINK 2.0 Undeliverable Message CJGROS@ccmail.monsanto.com
- Job Listing, SyStemix, Inc. Dennis Sasaki
- Sci Fi (ve) mystery Marc Langweiler
- Magnetic Cell Separation Kristi R Harkins
- RE: Calcium flux Eric Martz
- Calcium flux Mario Roederer
- RE: BIG FILES Dr Stephen Young
- Position wanted Steve Kelley
- Lithium FLUX???? Christopher A. Worth
- RE: Sorting by FSC and SSC Eric Martz
- RE: Sorting by FSC and SSC Eric Martz
- Bring on the Clones! Gary Durack
- Sorting by FSC and SSC HENRY H. WORTIS
- autocloning on EPICS 752 system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- Sorting with EPICS 752 into 96 well Joshua Cherry
- Cell Sorting Purity MARDER_PHILIP@Lilly.com
- DNA histograms Dean Hewish
- sort purity Geri Pingul
- Becton Dickinson FACS 440 and FACS Analyzer John W. Joubran
- Blue book? :) Marc Langweiler
- An archiving question? J. Paul Robinson
- Flow Standards Roger Burger
- RE: BIG files Eric Martz
- Q: How to measure hydrolase activity ? Anna Lubecka
- Chromosomes preparation ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- RE: BIG files Benjamin C. Hunsberger
- Large data files Gary C. Salzman
- Position available HENRY H. WORTIS
- Mac Software Julie Auger
- RE: BIG files Doug Smoot
- Re: Autofluoroscence spectra Joseph Narai
- Fine needle aspiration and colonic biopsies Markl Kido - the Rasta-Ganja BuddHA
- Anti-non_classical MHC-antibodies...wanted ASAP SANJEEV KUMAR
- MFI bug & workaround Eric Martz
- MFI 3.4F available. Eric Martz
- Happy Holiday Peter Lopez
- Flowcytometry sites in India Yashpal Agrawal
- Marker fo Mink B-cells Roger Burger
- RE: ELITE drift Mike Salmon
- Marker for Mink B Cells Roger Burger
- Midwest User's Meeting Fred Molnar
- ELITE drift larry seamer
- Where can I get FlowMATE? Ivan Shaw
- New Bead Question USA::SW11527
- Another Log on the Fire Howard Shapiro
- Anti CD8 antibodies Bruce Shenker
- Flow Rates Susan D. DEMAGGIO
- Basophil Identification Burt Houtz
- UV-excitable Beads USA::SW11527
- basophil detection ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- Position Available Tom Delohery
- Hp file uploads Geoffrey W Osborne
- RE: Translating Elite files Eric Martz
- Translating Elite files Steve Kelley
- h1914lus@ella.hu (G. Lustyik) *
- Re: chicken blood Mike Lance
- Re: chicken blood Dave Coder
- Eosinophils Geoffrey W Osborne
- RE: Flow Discussion Group facs
- RE: Flow Discussion Group ANDREAS@genetik.uni-koeln.de
- HP Mac communication *
- Translating Elite files Hoogveld, Hans
- Flow Discussion Group Christine P. Jeffery
- Help !! convert MDADS to DOS P.V. SYAMASUNDAR
- Arc Lamp Analyzer (Analyser) Gary Durack
- Winlist query Geoffrey W Osborne
- Looking for morphometry software Mario Nenno
- International Cytometry Sym SYAMASUNDAR"26-NOV-1993.13.56@nii.ernet.in
- International Cytometry Sym Mike Lance
- RE: dye soln, and blank beads as a standard MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- dye soln. and blank beads as a standard vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Macintosh conversion jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- FISH for Flow Mark Edinger
- Sodium Green kelley@mrc.com
- Image Cytometry brucem@cbme.unsw.edu.au
- Datafile format & transfer Centenary Institute
- Buff Buffers Peter Lopez
- looking for half wave retarder Dave Coder
- RE: Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Gary Durack
- Sheath buffers/H2O/PBS Joseph Trotter - Salk Institute Flow Cytometry
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? "PCLRB2::N_GOULDING"@V1.BARTS.LON.AC.UK
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- Fw: RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- Training courses & RBC half-life ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- HOW FAR IS THE OLD LOG AMP? Howard Shapiro
- RE: sheath buffer ? Eric Martz
- log-amp transfer function larry seamer
- Re: Log amps, bits, and smoothing Marty Bigos
- log data in 1024 channels Tom Delohery
- log-amp transfer function Robb Habbersett
- sheath buffer ? Yashpal Agrawal
- sheath buffer ? Yashpal Agrawal
- AIS Celector Flasks Roger Burger
- Vbeta usage a_edwards@omega.lif.icnet.uk
- Vbeta usage a_edwards@omega.lif.icnet.uk
- List Mode data format Becky Bonner
- Job Offers Steve Kelley
- AIS CD34 Selection Kenneth Ault
- Electronic Noise/Detection Sensitivity Kristi R Harkins
- AIS Celector Flasks Dave Gebhard
- Direct Virus Measurement? James Weaver 202-205-5037
- FACS Vantage performance (was: FACSort Throughput) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Some help for a first time user Markl Kido - the Rasta-Ganja BuddHA
- Vbeta usage... P.V. Syamasundar
- For Sale: 1989 Coulter Profile II Brian Hall
- Software -New releases Benjamin C. Hunsberger
- Optimus Image Analysis System Becky Bonner
- Fluorochromes conjugate to dUTP's Kristi R Harkins
- non-hodgkins lymphoma STAN RESS
- RE: sort rate/purity/EPICS752 James P. Slattery
- sort rate/purity/EPICS752 Kristi R Harkins
- Flow Cytometry/Neural Networks James McCudden
- Coulter upgrades? David Chambers
- Lost Data Centenary Institute
- FACSort Leon Martin
- lost data jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- RE: Listing listmode Eric Martz
- Mean calculation spreadsheet: UUencoded Geoffrey W Osborne
- ToTo and YoYo bruce
- ASCII data manipulation etc Geoffrey W Osborne
- Listing Listmode Steve Kelley
- Listing listmode Steve Hilliard
- OS/2 Christopher A. Worth
- Practical Flow Cytometry - 3rd Edition Howard Shapiro
- Optimus image analysis system Becky Bonner
- color ccd's Becky Bonner
- LYSYS II => Cicero Users Lisa Johnson
- OS/2 Applications paul clark
- Quenching of fluorescein Joachim Betz
- 3rd Iberian Cytometry Meeting Nov15-18, Porto J. Paul Robinson
- extended file listing jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- FACSort Throughput ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- Hoechst 33342 david jerome adams
- Data backup for HP 340 (FACScan) Kenneth Ault
- Re: Detection of beta-galactosidase Richard Alexander
- Re: Detection of beta-galactosidase dbk
- Resale prices, used cytometers Steve Kelley
- LacZ B-gal Christopher A. Worth
- Immunostaining of cytoplasmic proteins clap@iastate.edu
- Neutropenia in Dogs ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- Flow Cytometry Operator at The University of Vermont kelley@mrc.com
- Flow Cytometry Operator at The University of Vermont R_BUDD@uvmvax.uvm.edu
- Input for Flow Cytometry Data File Standard Update Gary C. Salzman
- Indo-1 Loading of Monolayers USA::SW11527
- RE: TIFF files Dr Stephen Young
- RE:freeware for cell cycle analysis ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- RE:manipulation of Tiff files ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- HP Mouse Mike Lance
- Freezing cells RAINER@phs.bgsm.wfu.edu
- TIFF files david w. galbraith
- WinList Course Benjamin C. Hunsberger
- ISAC E-mail query cjgros@ccmail.monsanto.com
- Re: Returned mail: User unknow Thomas Mchugh
- microtiter tray sample injector ? Geoffrey W Osborne
- micronuclei/reticulocyte SHAH@ciit.org
- Reticulocyte pipetting and sed rates ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- DNA linearity Alice L. Givan
- Position available jeff@sugen.sf.ca.us
- FACS Related Problem kelley@mrc.com
- RE: A FACS related problem salmonm
- Replies to following inquiry USA::SW11527
- A FACS related problem sanjeev@nii.ernet.in
- acridine orange Christine P. Jeffery
- Magneto-Optical Drive ? James Weaver 202-205-5037
- freeware for cell cycle analysis ADA@FRMOP22.CNUSC.FR
- Orthos david w. galbraith
- RE: biosaftey/software Doug Smoot
- RE: biosaftey/software Eric Martz
- biosaftey/software kharkins@iastate.edu
- beam height Christopher A. Worth
- Ortho Cytofluorograf beam height and width James W. Jacobberger
- Position available Tom Delohery
- Position available Peter Lopez
- Position available Peter Lopez
- apoptosis: Acridine Orange - Eth Br shyam@nii.ernet.in
- RE: 10BaseT Hookups for HP 3xx vanburen%flovax.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Orpegen probes J. Paul Robinson
- Phagocytosis, Phagotest kit, Orpegen ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- 10BaseT Hookups for HP 3xx Ron Mickaels
- Data Recovery Steve Kelley
- WANT TO DISCUSS? Dawson, Carolyn
- Re: FACScan 310 -> 340 Mike Lance
- RE: Biohazardous properties of sorters Eric Martz
- Sorting Biohazards James Weaver 202-205-5037
- HP upgrades kukuruga%kasle1.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- HP UPGRADES Tom Delohery
- Biohazard sorting kelley@mrc.com
- Biohazardous properties of sorters Neal Benson
- EMAIL addresses J. Paul Robinson
- Fw: Blue book David Galbraith
- Elite Software-Gateway 2000 problems Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- ISAC Poster Sessions Scott Cram
- ELITE software under OS/2 Steve Kelley
- EMAIL addresses J. Paul Robinson
- Meetings - Cytometry J. Paul Robinson
- RE: FACScan 310 -> 340 Eric Martz
- FACSScan wanted Brian Hall
- Market value EPICS C ABBOTT_DAVID_L_JR@Lilly.com
- RE: Yeast and Elites David Galbraith
- VAX VMS question Peter Lopez
- Position Sought MARTENS@sorter.pathology.rochester.edu
- Calling all statisticians... Steve Hilliard
- MFI Preprint Eric Martz
- No Subject Christopher A. Worth
- Re: data analysis on PCs Dave Coder
- Re: WinNT IVAN@MNI.lan.mcgill.ca
- OS/2: TCP/IP, NFS Christopher A. Worth
- OS/2: TCP/IP, NFS Eric Martz
- Quick questions about specimen processing RAINER@phs.bgsm.wfu.edu
- networking OS/2 Christopher A. Worth
- pathworks etc. Christopher A. Worth
- ELITE, DEC Pathworks, and TCP/IP system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- MFI Tutorial Available Eric Martz
- Re: Ratio on FACS Vantage/FA Mike Lance
- RE: Ratio on FACS Vantage/FACSt Doug Smoot
- Ratio on FACS Vantage/FACSt Mike Lance
- Re: illustrative data Eric Martz
- MFI 3.4D available at new ftp site Eric Martz
- Re: 10BaseT adapters Dave Coder
- Optical disks etc .. Geoffrey W Osborne
- reply to Salmon Christopher A. Worth
- Ethernet Converter Neal Benson
- cell cycle problems Tom Delohery
- cell cycle problems Dr M Salmon
- Optical Cartridge Systems durack gary
- Position sought. HSKG1@phx.cam.ac.uk
- Enterprise Lasers J. Paul Robinson
- Bering Address Peter Lopez
- Enterprise laser Peter Lopez
- Sodium Green Stephen Kelley
- Sodium Green Stephen Kelley
- Sodium Green kelley@mrc.com
- HP mouse update Lisa Johnson
- Ratio analysis kelley@mrc.com
- Re: Calculating ratios between lasers MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- ELITE USERS? Christopher A. Worth
- Source for HP mouse? Lisa Johnson
- Bering Bernoulli Richard Allan Cox
- Repository Steve Kelley
- repository for flow data files Robb Habbersett
- For Sale Geri Pingul
- Vantage file still wanted Eric Martz
- Illustrative data by ftp Eric Martz
- Large particle analysis James Weaver 202-205-5037
- RE: large particle sorting (& high viscosity samples) Eric Martz
- large particle sorting Dave Coder
- User fee survey--ancient history!! Steve Hilliard
- Vantage/FCS 2.0 data files wanted Eric Martz
- HP file recovery Dave Coder
- VAX question Peter Lopez
- dichroic filter mount for FACStar Dave Coder
- Freezing cells for later analysis Dr M Salmon
- Cuvette for Vantage?(also, polarization detecton) Menard Isabelle
- Cuvette for Vantage?(also, polarization detecton) Jim Uzgiris
- Quartz cuvette for the FACS Vantage Gregor Rothe
- Slit scan optics for the Elite DGALBRAI@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU
- FWD: NEW: CRUST-L - Discussion Group on Crustacean Issues vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Lysis II -> IBM-PC files. HSKG1@phx.cam.ac.uk
- Staining leukocytes before freezing Dr M Salmon
- Staining leukocytes before freezing? hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- LysisII to Mac tranfer program Condie E. Carmack
- insect flow karyotyping system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- simultaneous Indo-1 and Texas Red or Cy5 system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- Speedy Free Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- Response to John Chan - chromosomes Scott Cram
- Chromosomes Chan John
- Facscan Sheath and Waste Tanks Gary A. Ward
- Re: HP Kermit Dave Coder
- RE: HP<-->IBM serial transfer Eric Martz
- IEEE-488 backup Peter Lopez
- HP<-->IBM serial transfer CLINEA%AM%RWEI00@mr.bas.roche.com
- ethernet ftp speed (?) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- follow up HP>> PC Geoffrey W Osborne
- follow up HP>> PC Christopher A. Worth
- follow up HP>> PC Christopher A. Worth
- Transfer rate HP->PC Dave Coder
- Transfer rate HP->PC Eric Martz
- hp>>PC Christopher A. Worth
- FCS File headers kelley@mrc.com
- FACSCAN -> PC Nick Viner
- RE: fcs file headers vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- FCS file headers Steve Kelley
- fcs file headers Alice L. Givan
- optical disks and long term storage J. Paul Robinson
- Questions James W. Jacobberger
- BD data storage Leon Martin
- BD data storage vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Re: recovered data (Alice Givan) Leon Martin
- recovered data Alice L. Givan
- MFI 3.4b Available Eric Martz
- MFI 3.4a Available Eric Martz
- Position Available kharkins@iastate.edu
- PC Software Upgraded (MFI) Eric Martz
- h1913szo@ella.hu (Janos Szollosi May 24, 93) H1913Szo@huella.bitnet
- Temporary abscence Steve Kelley
- Water Microbiology workshop Joseph Alan NARAI
- old instruments Christopher A. Worth
- Facscan Sheath/Waste Tanks Gary A. Ward
- Fw: RE: old cytometers Eric Martz
- RE: old cytometers Eric Martz
- FACScan sheath tanks Geoffrey W Osborne
- RE: old cytometers Eric Martz
- old cytometers Alice L. Givan
- old instruments Christopher A. Worth
- FACScan supply tanks kelley@mrc.com
- Old instruments Christopher A. Worth
- FACScan supply tanks Leon Martin
- leukocyte control ques. (re-stated) Leon Martin
- Dignified (Old) Instruments Leon Martin
- leaky FACScan supply tanks vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- FACScan supply tanks kukuruga%kasle1.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Vintage Flow Instruments Tom Delohery
- CD Chex cells Tom Mchugh
- leukocyte control ques. (re-stated) IRBH000
- controls J. Paul Robinson
- Dignified (Old) Instruments J. Paul Robinson
- controls J. Paul Robinson
- Used instrument prices kelley@mrc.com
- CD-Chex control cells IRBH000
- Price of old instruments J. Paul Robinson
- Bangs Lab Christopher A. Worth
- LYSYS II & FACStar leon martin
- Position Open Steve Kelley
- Blue book David Galbraith
- Bernoullis Alice L. Givan
- acquisition/analysis accounting vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- position request JONKERRR@TNO.NL
- INDO-1 Christopher A. Worth
- ER Ca fluxes with indo Dr Stephen Young
- Dog leukocyte antigens Linda Jacobson
- Good CV's for DNA Histograms Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- CD26 DPPIV ? Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- FAS antigen auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- RE: Bird blood and lizard blood kukuruga%kasle1.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- sperm and flow cytometry auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- Heparin Sulfate: does it autofluoresce? IVAN@MNI.lan.mcgill.ca
- Bird blood and lizard blood GEORGINA@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU
- joe trotter's flow software leon martin
- Flow software Joseph Trotter
- Annual Course in Flow Cytometry Penn State Flow lab 863-2762 or 865
- Annual Course in Flow Cytometry Jim Jett
- Re FACS PC Acquisition Geoffrey W Osborne
- other lists of interest? vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- User's Meeting in Houston Mike Lance
- Filter boxes kelley@mrc.com
- Filter holders Peter Lopez
- Deer immunophenotyping?? hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- Returned mail: Unable to deliver mail Mail Delivery Subsystem
- Returned mail: Unable to deliver mail Mail Delivery Subsystem
- Time tracking on HP's Neal Benson
- FACS PC Acquisition Eric Martz
- Addendum to Fees survey hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- User Fees Survey hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- Avian rbc preservation James Slattery
- hepatocytes Christopher A. Worth
- Hepatocytes hilliard@zookeeper.zoo.uga.edu
- FACS cooling Peter Lopez
- Publication quality ELITE plots LPILARSK@vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA
- FCM Software for Macs? Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- Infiltrating lymphocyte isolation Dave Gebhard
- Printouts J. Paul Robinson
- publication-quality histograms Geoffrey W Osborne
- publication-quality histograms Dan Coury
- IDL & X-windows vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- sorters vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Boston users group Peter Lopez
- Re: HP Print Buffers Mike Lance
- Free PC Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- PC Lysys (THE program) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Possible re-posts Steve Kelley
- indo-1 vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- HP print buffers Peter Lopez
- auto DNA analysis vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- PC Lysys (THE program) vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- indo-1 vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- flow cytometry acquisition cdd1@CIDHIV7.EM.CDC.GOV
- flow cytometry acquisition AMOSB@ibm3090.bham.ac.uk
- flow cytometry acquisition MCFARLAN@tui.lincoln.ac.nz
- Position Opening auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- 3rd party sw vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Ionophore cleanup Peter Lopez
- Third Party Cytometry Software IVAN@MNI.lan.mcgill.ca
- flow cytometer purchase Donald C. Reason
- Re-Posted from Usenet Stephen Kelley
- Image session at ISAC paul@vphb.vet.purdue.edu
- 5 Fluorescence detectors on Facstar Plus Per Prytz
- Free PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- Lasers for Sale Steve Kelley
- Image Analysis Decisions J. Paul Robinson
- frozen lymphocytes auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- bivariate analysis James Slattery
- Auto-Directory Gary Durack
- Auto-Directory ERIC MARTZ
- Image Analysis - Help Please! paul@vphb.vet.purdue.edu
- Sorter for sale paul@vphb.vet.purdue.edu
- 514nm FACScan? ERIC MARTZ
- pH insensitive fluorescence? ERIC MARTZ
- 514nm FACScan? ERIC MARTZ
- Used lasers ZETTLER, ERIK
- Free PC Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- separating fat cells from monocytes system@flocyt.im-flocyt.uiowa.edu
- reposted message Steve Kelley
- Absolute Cell Density ZETTLER, ERIK
- Free PC Software Upgraded Eric Martz
- query Linda Pilarski Professor
- Detection of ANCA by flow cytometry? Marc.Langweiler@Dartmouth.EDU
- Non-activating CD's on T cells Geoffrey W Osborne
- Non-activating CD's on T cells Geoffrey W Osborne
- Non-activating CD's on T cells Dr Stephen Young
- Graphics froom flow cytometry J. Paul Robinson
- Transfer to Harvard Graphics Linda Pilarski Professor
- RE: Kinetics, unrinsed? MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- time-slicing vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Time slicing Peter Lopez
- Kinetics, unrinsed? ERIC MARTZ
- FACSnet file transfer Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- REFRIGERATOR AIDS hhscdc!reb4/O=CDC/OU=CINC/OU=NIOBBS1@mhs.attmail.com
- Position available Peter Lopez
- Free PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- h1913szo@ella.hu (Janos Szollosi 12/16/92) H1913Szo@huella.bitnet
- Correction: Ab vs. TRITC ERIC MARTZ
- h1913szo@ella.hu (Janos Szollosi 12/16/92) H1913Szo@huella.bitnet
- CD4 enumeration Marc.Langweiler@Dartmouth.EDU
- Elite Touchscreen problems DGALBRAI@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU
- Abs Killed by TRITC? ERIC MARTZ
- Mailing List Directory Steve Kelley
- Ca++ indicators auger@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- indo-1 J. Paul Robinson
- Quality of Indo-1 Dr Stephen Young
- DNA Aneuploidy Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Free PC Software Upgraded ERIC MARTZ
- Liposomes Steve Kelley
- DNA aneuploidy Linda Pilarski Professor
- position available, Seattle Dave Coder
- New Elite flow cell James Weaver 202-205-5037
- ink for ink jet printers Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- ACDU Gary.A.Ward@Dartmouth.EDU
- Identifying yourself ERIC MARTZ
- compensation circuit JONKERRR@TNO.NL
- Comparing a test with itself Linda Jacobson
- low sort recovery steve@rheuma.bham.ac.uk
- Free PC Software (MFI v. 3) ERIC MARTZ
- low sort recovery Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Microtiter Plates & FCM J. Paul Robinson
- laser selection advice gezelte@rockvax.ROCKEFELLER.EDU
- FCS compression Steve Kelley
- FCS compression ERIC MARTZ
- Sort Yields Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Orthogonal deflection sorting? ERIC MARTZ
- Reproducibility of FACS Titrations ERIC MARTZ
- Free PC FACS software ERIC MARTZ
- HP and DEC graphics screen capture FACS_COPY@wehi.edu.au
- HP graphics screens opened on IBM Pc? MAP111Y@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au
- Directory of Participants Steve Kelley
- Reproducibility of FACS Titrations ERIC MARTZ
- Re: Three Color Compensation MURPHY@A.CFR.CMU.EDU
- Three Colour Compensation Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Job Service ? James Weaver 202-205-5037
- Live/Dead Assays John J. Ladasky II
- Three Colour Compensation Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- Free PC FACS Time Slicing Kinetics Software ERIC MARTZ
- RE: Info request from Usenet Robert F. Murphy
- Info request from Usenet Stephen Kelley
- Info request from Usenet Stephen Kelley
- Position Available Geoffrey W Osborne
- Position Available Geoffrey W Osborne
- Position Available Bill Hyun
- Need PeCAN 1.2 Source Code ERIC MARTZ
- FACScan available Tom Mchugh
- Availability of DOS and VMS programs via anonymous FTP Robert F. Murphy
- FACScan Biomedical Engineer Training Dave Coder
- Getting modal values and ASCII listings on Consort/VAX systems Robert F. Murphy
- MACs Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- BD ethernet connection Steve Kelley
- BD ethernet connection Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- BrdU versus PI Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU
- BrdU versus PI Phil Marder, MC625, Ext 6-5071, Drop 0444
- Position sought. HSKG1@phx.cam.ac.uk
- CONSORT 40 data printout vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Need HPTOIBM (update) ERIC MARTZ
- Re: Data retrieval from FACS Mike Lance
- number of cells per channel Gary.A.Ward@Dartmouth.EDU
- Data retrieval from FACS 440 files IRBH000
- Re: Geometric Mean Robert F. Murphy
- means Paul.M.Guyre@Dartmouth.EDU
- Geometric vs. Arithmetic Me Mike Lance
- Re: Wavelength Shift Calibration Geoffrey W Osborne
- Re: Wavelength Shift Calibration Robert F. Murphy
- Measurement of Free Dye in the Core Stream Gary Durack
Last message date: Thu 17 Feb 1994 - 10:21:08 EST
Archived on: Mon Mar 20 1995 - 14:00:17 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.