As Mike Lance pointed out, the most effective way of data
transmission from a Hewlett Packard computer to the Macintosh is
the transfer via Local Area Network. LAN trasfer is supported by
the FACSNET software of the Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry
Systems. For those who do not have LAN, an alternate way is the
disk conversion.
Since Make Lance's e-mail message I received numerous questions
regarding our conversion software that allows to read 3.5"
Hewlett Packard diskettes in Apple Macintosh. This says to me
that many people might be interested to know more about the
HPtoMac is a disk conversion software that reads 3.5" Hewlett
Packard (LIF) diskettes with Apple Macintosh
HPtoMac allows you to transfer data files from Hewlett Packard
computers to the Macintosh on diskettes. The program can copy all
data files from the diskettes and create a destination file on
the Macintosh hard disk that is byte by byte identical with the
source file.
HPtoMac reads the following disk formats:
Double density (DD) diskettes:
1.) Format option 2: 9 sectors per track, 77 sectors per surface,
709,632 bytes total
2.) Format option 16: 9 sectors per track, 80 sectors per
surface, 737,280 bytes total
High density (HD) diskettes:
3.) Format option 2: 18 sectors per track, 77 sectors per
surface, 1,419,264 bytes total
4.) Format option 16: 18 sectors per track, 80 sectors per
surface, 1,747,560 bytes total
Due to technical reasons, other formats cannot be read in the
The required 2 or 16 formatting options are not the default ones
in the HP computers of the Becton Dickinson flow cytometry
systems. The appropriate format can be made with the MEDIAINIT
program which is provided with all Becton Dickinson Systems.
One can use the following steps:
1.) Quit the BD flow cytometry software.
2.) Execute the MEDIAINIT software.
The way how to do that may depend upon the system you are using.
- From FACStar PLUS Research Software Version 2.02, for example,
select "0" (zero) from the main menu. Hit "x" when the command:
Compiler Editor Filer ... Version ?" appears and type MEDIAINIT
(path may also be required if the MEDIAINIT is not in the default
3.) The HP computer asks:
Volume ID? type of the volume ID of the floppy disk drive
(frequently #3).
Computer responds with a short information regarding the selected
drive (volume) and asks:
Are you SURE you want to proceed (Y/N)? if you type Y
Formatting options? (default is 0) Type 2 or 16 then ENTER.
Interleave factor (default is 1) Press ENTER
Medium initialization in progress.
Medium initialization completed.
Volume zeroing in progress.
Volume zeroing completed.
At this point the formatting is ready, the disk can be used for
saving data on it.
Macintosh hardware requirements: A Macintosh with a hard disk and
at least one FDHD superdrive which allows the reading of the HD
The use of the program, we feel, is very easy and
The HPtoMac program must be run from the hard disk.
If you insert a properly formatted Hewlett Packard 3.5" diskette
into the FDHD Superdrive of your Macintosh, the list of the
directory of the HP disk appears in the HPtoMac window. You can
select one or more files that you wish to copy onto the Macintosh
hard disk and click on appropriate button to activate the
conversion and copying process. Copying is almost as fast as
copying from a Macintosh diskette.
In addition to our Macintosh program, we wrote a similar
conversion program (HPCopy) for IBM PCs, too.
Gyorgy Lustyik, Ph.D
For more info you can also contact Soft Flow, Inc.:
In the USA: Phone:1-800-5322231, Fax: 612-9459913
In Hungary: Phone/Fax: +36-52-346599