Hey Moe!!!! Wise guy,eh?????
I think all the mentioned fixes should be examined. Its true that some
of those PMT's don't do such a good job in the high 600's, but since
you have a couple, you can swap around until you find the best one.
As for the conjugate dye, you can try exciting it with 647 from a
Krypton or 633 from a he-ne. Our experience has been that we only
see slightly more intensity that way (not more than 2/10 log further
from negatives). We have usually had good luck with the tandem
conjugates from all the companies out there,with the only trouble coming
from conjugates falling apart. They work well on all of our machines
Peter L.
Peter A. Lopez (617)632-3179 (voice)
Dana Farber Cancer Institute (617)632-3139 (voice)
Core Flow Cytometry Facility NO FAX!
44 Binney St. Room J-312
Boston,MA 02115 PLOPEZ@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu