In reply to Leon Martin's questions:
LYSYS II does not work with the FACStar. It does work with the FACStar PLUS
and FACS Vantage, in addition to the FACScan and FACSort.
The optical cartridges that come with the Bering OptiPac drive from BD come
un-formatted. The System Utilities program will format them, or the user
may format the cartridge themself if they understand how to use the system
Mediainit program. When using the BD formating, the disks are formatted in
HFS (actually, they are formatted LIF then HFS is put ontop of LIF). As far
as I know, no other systems naturally recognize the HP LIF or HFS formats
except for HP's Unix systems. There is a person, Randy Fischer, at Ft.
Detrick in Frederick, Maryland who has been able to get an IBM-PC clone to
read the HP LIF formatted Bernoulli's from their CONSORT 30 system. I don't
have an E-Mail address for Randy, but his address is
Randy Fischer
Bldg 567, Rm 227
P.O. Box B
Frederick, MD 21702
Best Regards,
Michael Lance
Becton Dickinson