Tue, 21 Sep 93 18:28:17 CDT

I have two questions, for which I hope to get some assistance from the
network. First, we have a scientist who wishes to viably sort COS cells,
which have been transfected with a plasmid, based upon the presence of a
fluorescent ligand. Our facility policy has always followed the CDC NIH
biosafety guideline. The ATCC catalog states that a BL2 (controlled aerosol)
safety level should be followed with both COS 1 and COS 7 cell lines. Since
jet in air sorting produces aerosol, our facility has normally not approved
these projects. Are there instances where COS cells have been sorted
(published/unpublished) and if so, is there a need to be concerned for the
safety of the operator?

My second question is unrelated to the first. We have a Coulter EPICS 750
series instrument and are currently collecting indo1 fluorescence (long and
short) and ratio as listmode signals. We often have nice discernible shifts
in the long & short histogram peaks, and the ratio in turn goes off scale. Is
there an off-line software package (freeware or marketed) which is DOS
compatible which will allow us to ratio the EPICS listmode short and long
signals on a cell-by-cell basis?

Any comments can be sent to me through the network or via the address
below. Thank you in advance for your comments.

Kristi R. Harkins
Iowa State University
1104 Molecular Biology
Ames, IA 50011
(515) 294-2472

(place mail text here)