Purdue University Cytometry Mailing List by thread
Starting: Mon 07 Apr 1997 - 14:22:13 EST
Ending: Tue 24 Jun 1997 - 18:40:13 EST
Messages: 628
- control box for laser KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Need Memory; 600mb Optical Disk Rex Hensley, GS12, PSCCI
- nylon mesh fabric GOELLIPSIS@aol.com
- Steve Micko Nicholson, Janet
- 4-color flow -Reply Antony Bakke
- New Macintosh-based FACS Data Analysis Program! Mario Roederer
- Avidin/APC conjugation Adrian Smith
- RE: R.ob McGilp, where are you McGilp, Rob
- DNA stain Gabriel Alespeiti
- Profile printer David Dicker
- R.ob McGilp, where are you Bob Ashcroft
- RE: Sorting Question --- look Ma, no satellites!!! Joseph Trotter
- Course on use amd maintenance of FACScan LTC Jose Stoute
- Laser for sale in Australia Leon Martin
- bulk removal of dead cells ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- RE: Sorting Question --- look Ma, no satellites!!! Bob Ashcroft
- measure c-myc by flow? Fang-Yao Hou
- Software: WinMDI 2.5 build #10 Joseph Trotter
- Sorting Question Gary Durack
- Job in Boston, Specialty Tech FACS Hans Oettgen
- Interferon gamma receptor Roger Burger
- CD10 Margaret Tropea
- Re: Sorting Question Ray Hicks
- Re: Sorting Question Steve G. Hilliard
- Position available jan hendrikx
- 2',5' OAS mezz001@pn.itnet.it
- CD38 red conjugate STEPHEN J COUZENS
- Re: Sorting Question Daryl Webb
- Job description - gene delivery to lung Dave.Ennist@sandoz.com
- Re: bulk removal of dead cells Kevin G Waddick
- Sorting Question Vincent Falco
- Antibodies against CFTR Bourget, Lucie
- flagellin antibody Jan Keij
- Re: PE-Cy5 on Facscalibur Margaret Tropea
- Flocytometry protocols for human GIT cell lines - resending Shelton Murinda
- quantitative determination of cytotoxic activity of human NK cells Remi Hitchcock
- Re: ISAC Council meeting agenda Dave Coder
- bulk removal of dead cells Ralph Bohmer
- FCM Workshop in Portugal J. Paul Robinson
- Flow Cytometry Core Manager Abby Allen
- Position available in Boston HANDLEY@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu
- RE: PI staining Mark A. Miller
- Flocytometry protocols for human GIT cell lines Shelton Murinda
- PE-Cy5 on Facscalibur Peter Chapple
- Identification of Eosinophils in Flow Cytometry -Reply ANDRZEJ DEPTALA
- re: please post the following flow positions J. Paul Robinson
- Re: Methods for sorting viable X and Y sperm Michael H. Fox
- PI Staining Kelley Lennon
- Re: INDO-1 Calibration Michael H. Fox
- Fc Blocking Richard K. Meister
- Re: Viscosity Effects on FCM Analysis Ray Hicks
- Flocytometry protocols for human GIT cell lines Shelton Murinda
- Identification of Eosinophils in Flow Cytometry Hoffmann, H. J.
- Viscosity and FCM John Ladasky
- Lysis of Heparinised blood, fixation and PE fluorescence Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- 4-color flow Darlene Steele-Norwood
- Cellular Interactions / Ploidy level relationship (fwd) mcfarland david c
- DNA stain Gabriel Alespeiti
- INDO-1 Calibration HANDLEY@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu
- Methods for sorting viable X and Y sperm CHELACK@admin3.usask.ca
- FL4 height loss, on FACSCalibur? Frederic Preffer
- Cell lines expressing tag-72 Linkae@aol.com
- Flocytometry protocols for human GIT cell lines Shelton Murinda
- Lysis of Heparinised blood, fixation and PE fluorescence Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Viscosity Effects on FCM Analysis Matthew J Shaw
- FMC7 and intermediate lymphoma Conley, Christopher R., M.D.
- San Diego User's Group Michele Lutz
- Facsort signal stability Visia Dragowska
- Re: apoptosis assay for adherent cells Eric Miller
- Re: adherent cells Al Sabirsh
- adherant cells Nicholas King
- IL12 producing human cell line H.-G. Kreysch
- FMC7 and intermediate lymphoma Conley, Christopher R., M.D.
- re:apoptosis assay for adherent cells bert.schutte
- Cellular Interactions / Ploidy level relationship John E McLaughlin
- Removal of adherent cells Mark A. Miller
- apoptosis assay for adherent cells mcfarland david c
- adherant cells ans033@abdn.ac.uk
- Re: PI staining w/ PBMC William George Telford
- Platelet GpV monoclonal antibody Michel Canton
- Recharge accounts and federal regulation of them????? Kristi R. Harkins
- Re: double label for dendritic cells and MVE virus antigen Kevin G Waddick
- RE: double label for dendritic cells and MVE virus antigen Leanne Sammels
- Re: Green HeNe laser kjartan.egeberg@medisin.ntnu.no
- Data storage Marion Andrew
- PI staining w/ PBMC -Reply FRANK TRAGANOS
- Re: double label for dendritic cells and MVE virus antigen Paul J. Jansen
- looking to buy used Facstar Plus or Vantage s_arkin@smtplink.mssm.edu
- RE: PI staining w/ PBMC Tom Mc Closkey
- Recharge accounts and federal regulation of them????? Sue DeMaggio
- RE: Fas receptor occupancy Tom Mc Closkey
- Green HeNe Laser - TexasRed/Cy3 O. Joseph Trask, Jr.
- multiuser instruments cleaning john f. daley
- Re[2]: viability post fixation Tom Frey
- Re: multiuser instruments Matthias Haury
- and another meeting Matthias Haury
- How to make Attractors read FCS files Mario Roederer
- Platelet testing -Reply Antony Bakke
- Core operating expenses Jonni S. Moore
- PI staining w/ PBMC Ryan Hung
- multiuser instruments Abby Allen
- intracellular rat cytokine mAbs Frederic Preffer
- viability post fixation Rochelle A. Diamond
- double label for dendritic cells and MVE virus antigen Leanne Sammels
- Canine Immunophenotyping Michel Canton
- Pittsburgh seminar Mike Robertson
- Summary- operating in the r Edward Srour
- reply - CD34 controls Marc Langweiler
- Inability of Attractors to read Coulter files Peter Sedlmayr
- Platelet testing Russell L. Maiese, M.D.
- Fas receptor occupancy Michel Canton
- Positions available Ben Shanabrook
- Re: Web site for Oncology Clinic in Germany Jeanette Drew
- CD34 controls -Reply Antony Bakke
- HLA Typing Kit Barren, Phil
- Corrupt Bernoulli disks Charles Kuszynski
- MDADS II disk drives -Reply William D. Wansley
- subscription, anti-human Ig PerCp Ingrid Stahmer
- Hemoglobin H April
- Detection of FITC oligos -Reply Charles Kuszynski
- Hemoglobin H Barren, Phil
- (Fwd) bclxl and bclxs JANET FISHER
- Canine Immunophenotyping ARCROS@monsanto.com
- MDADS II disk drives Flow Cytometry Facility
- NF-kappa-B Martha Kirby
- Re: Reporter gene + cytoplasmic Ab RESPONSES! Mark A. Miller
- Detection of FITC oligos Dr Michelle Miller
- CD34 controls Sherri Scheirer-Fochler
- problem in sending e-mail Antony Bakke
- RE: Jurkat marker Calman Prussin
- Slightly off topic Peter Chapple
- Response to Andy Riddell Michel Canton
- anti-human hemoglobin H Irene J. Check, Ph.D.
- Cytomation MoFlow Information Jim Houston
- Re: FTIC + PI (fwd) Steve G. Hilliard
- Robert Pyle's query... where are you Rob? Bob Ashcroft
- Jurkat marker kjartan.egeberg@medisin.ntnu.no
- Re: FTIC + PI (fwd) William George Telford
- Re: Reporter gene + cytoplasmic Ab Matthias Haury
- Re: pH measurements Ray Hicks
- Jurkat surface-marker kjartan.egeberg@medisin.ntnu.no
- Sorting onto Slides Joanne Yetz-Aldape
- Fluorescence intensities by image analysis --- steering assistance Bob Ashcroft
- pH measurements -Reply David Hedley
- worm drive HELP!!! (no name)
- Operating in the red (no name)
- Response to Andy Riddell Michel Canton
- worm drive HELP!!! Kathy Ragheb
- human gastrointestinal cell line pairs Shelton Murinda
- BAX MAb Michel Canton
- Operating in the red Edward Srour
- NY/NJ Flow Users Group Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- Matrix metalloproteinase Inhibitors Simon Monard
- Reporter gene + cytoplasmic Ab Mark A. Miller
- pH measurements Ken McDonald
- Cacium Measurements Robert Pyle
- Northern Encounters Arts Festival / Sam Latt Conference David Hedley
- Normal and abnormal pairs human gastrointestinal cell lines Shelton Murinda
- BUG Seminar correction gap@MIT.EDU
- Job Posting Gary Durack
- Clincical Trials T-Cell Lymph. G/D H/P Howard S. Mostowski 301-827-1807 FAX 301-496-7027
- Core Facilities FOLLO@mm11.ukl.uni-freiburg.de
- RE: Data Archive: SOLUTION J.Paul Robinson
- RE: Data Archive Matthias Haury
- RE: Data Archive Ivan T. Shaw
- RE: Drug studies Jan Keij
- BUG Seminar hwortis_sup@OPAL.TUFTS.EDU
- BUG Seminar john f. daley
- Whatever happened to Bob Ashcroft? Anecdotes without science, but lots of art Bob Ashcroft
- RE: Data Archive Peter Chapple
- RE: Drug studies Calman Prussin
- FW: whereabouts of Jim Seeb Bob Ashcroft
- clinical problems etc. Martin, Jill V.
- Ganglioside GD2 antibody source Andreas.Christaras
- Drug studies Richard K. Meister
- Contributions for the next Purdue CD-ROM ... Dr. Huw S. 'Zip' Kruger Gray.
- 7-AAD use with plant nuclei CJGROS@monsanto.com
- RE: Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma Conley, Christopher R., M.D.
- RE: Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- CD 45 and histocytes Peter Chapple
- RE: Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma Conley, Christopher R., M.D.
- RE: Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma Conley, Christopher R., M.D.
- Re: Password programs for the Mac + Some comments to list Matthias Haury
- cell membrane protein Andy Riddell
- Data Archive Methodology Robert Pyle
- phosphatase substrates Yashpal Agrawal
- Password programs for the Mac Telford, William pH.d.
- Combining files Adrian Smith
- Quality Control (was Re: apology) Dr. Martin R. Hadam
- Re: Clinical question: bone marrow Howard Shapiro
- apology ruth ann croson lowney
- Automation job opening Nabulsi, Osama
- Position(s) Available Larry Arnold
- Flow Supervisor Emory University Hospital
- Sam Latt Conference update David Hedley
- Response to Lyndal Russell William George Telford
- Re: Clinical question: bone marrow Hector Nolla
- apology ruth ann croson lowney
- gfp and bfp "facs1::isdellf"@rmslab.rockefeller.edu
- Re: Clinical question: bone marrow KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- phosphatase substrates julia philips
- CD5biotin needed Frederic Preffer
- Re[2]: CLINICAL question: bone marrow Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Liver dual staining CAWAGN@monsanto.com
- Cell membrane protein Andy Riddell
- Peyer's patch cells staining Calin Tatu
- Re: Linscott's/Lex A Antibody ryan@wista.WISTAR.UPENN.EDU
- Porcine Cytokine Antibodies Richard K. Meister
- Re: Questions on Trypan Blue J. Paul Robinson
- Wanted to buy: BD FACStarPLUS Dave Coder
- RE: Excitation of Rhodamine... McGilp, Rob
- Dartmouth Flow Course Alice L. Givan
- bone marrow analysis Brent Dorsett
- Excitation of Rhodamine... Jeff Carrell
- mabs against NK Eduardo Magalhaes Rego
- IL-4 & gamma interferon Dr Cesar Nunez
- EPICS Elite ESP for sale Brian Hall
- IL-4 & gamma interferon Anna Travelstead
- Position Wanted J.Paul Robinson
- CLINICAL question: bone marrow Simon Monard
- bone marrow -clinical question Brent Dorsett
- NK percentages in peripheral blood MK
- looking for flow resources for 35mm slides CHELACK@admin3.usask.ca
- Flow Position Dr. John Ortaldo
- FACS 440 free to good home ACS
- CLINICAL question: bone marrow Pete Macardle
- Require some flow slides for lecture CHELACK@admin3.usask.ca
- Intro to flow (no name)
- Murine Transferin TX-RED barad@ciml.univ-mrs.fr
- For Bill who helped Lyndal Lyndal Russell
- MacLogin Robert E. Karaffa, II
- Conjugation of H2DCF To Bacteria Barren, Phil
- Cancer Clinical Trials Protocols Howard Shapiro
- Position wanted - Atlanta Sharon S. Fisher
- Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma Mary W. Fox
- T-ALL relapsing as AML? ctnebe
- Summary of biohazard inquiry William George Telford
- Positions available Peter Lopez
- Current Protocols in Cytometry ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- Current Protocols in Cytometry J. Paul Robinson
- clinical case J.Paul Robinson
- HLA sensitization sans prior exposure ric thorpe
- RE: PHA-LCM/mix Scott R. Burger
- Chesapeake Cytometry Consortium June Meeting F. Joseph Chrest
- Coulter Epics Profile II For Sale Carle Clinic Lab
- Manuscripts for Communications in Clinical Cytometry Linda Tedlock
- Please post the following position kathleen_jiang_at_pagemill@internet.stem.com
- Re: Info Amy Huter-Imming
- RE: Coulter Sydney McGilp, Rob
- Position available (Australia) Kenneth W. Beagley
- CLINICAL question: bone marrow Drs. S. Spanhaak
- CLINICAL question: bone marrow Adrian O Vladutiu
- SNARF,FLUO1 and Fura red McGilp, Rob
- Re:percentage NKs in whole blood Bela Mehta
- Mitotrack HANDLEY@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu
- Cytometry Position (UAB) Robert Carter, M.D.
- Please post the following position J. Paul Robinson
- Re: Fluo-3 analysis Matthias Haury
- Cytofluograf Parts Vincent Falco
- POSTDOC Position NOW!!! J. Paul Robinson
- PHA-LCM/mix Kevin G Waddick
- Att: Coulter Sydney Geza Paukovics
- Tetraploidy in mammalian cells ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- Cyclin A Pete Macardle
- Profile II For Sale Mark George Edinger
- T ALL relapsing as AML? Anna Porwit-MacDonald
- Position Available - Field Service Engineer, Flow Cytometry Jack Greenblott
- percentage NKs in whole blood MK
- BD's poor service Vivian Wu
- T ALL relapsing as AML? Anna Porwit-MacDonald
- Tcels and PMA Pete Macardle
- RE: Daily drift of EPICS XL Pierre_Aeby..COSMITAL_SA..WELLA_AG@NOTES.compuserve.com
- Tetraploidy in mammalian cells William George Telford
- Position Available (Florida, USA) Neal Benson
- NY/NJ Flow Users Group Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- Position Open - UAB J. Paul Robinson
- Immunohistochemistry Position (Virginia) CATHARINE S. FRITSCHI
- Re:CD69 expression and proliferation Maurice R.G. O'Gorman
- TCR v-Beta antibodies: new question KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Coherent I90 U.V. mirrors Frederic Preffer
- Help for Flow TUNEL analysis jswigget@mail.carolinas.org
- Help for Flow TUNEL analysis jswigget@mail.carolinas.org
- Isotype summary Kirk Watkins
- Re: Turnaround time -Reply Anna Porwit-MacDonald
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry Users Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- More Flow Cytometry at SPIE John Nolan
- G2/M interpretation TONKINSON JOHN L
- Re: Turnaround time -Reply Antony Bakke
- murine v-Beta antibodies KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Re: CD69 vs proliferation Bela Mehta
- Dartmouth Clinical Flow Course Alice L. Givan
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry Users Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- advice t01ael@abdn.ac.uk
- Position available (Australia) Kenneth W. Beagley
- Cytometrist Position (Florida) Amy W. Palmer
- Turnaround time Walter Sharp
- Course on Flow Cytometry Michael G. Ormerod
- e-mailable call for papers Robert C. Leif, Ph.D.
- Re: Fluo-3 analysis Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- Coulter's ReticOne. Walter Sharp
- alamar blue Roger Burger
- MCP-3 antigen and antibody skagen@atw.earthreach.com
- Fluo-3 analysis Kirk Watkins
- Anti-Rhinovirus 1A mAb Gabriel Alespeiti
- Time of life CD4 T-cells Oleg S. Vasilyev
- Isotypes for CD4 testing? Kirk Watkins
- BD's poor service Vivian Wu
- Daily drift of EPICS XL Gary Durack
- Golf Abs Ray Wilkinson
- Re: CD69 expression vs. proliferation Howard Shapiro
- BD's Poor Service Gary de Jong
- Re: CD69 expression vs. proliferation DODONNEL@svherc.ucd.ie
- 2 questions Vivian Wu
- Caltag clone experiences Rex Hensley, GS12, PSCCI
- per cent S phase cells Gerald E. Marti
- Re: CD69 expression vs. proliferation Bruce H. Davis, M.D.
- Charging policy of Core Facilities Ayala Sharp
- where's Steve ? Ayala Sharp
- pulse processing in cell cycle analysis Fang-Yao Hou
- anti-murine(not anti-human) andrew berger
- Sam Latt Conference - extension of abstract deadline David Hedley
- RAM List Vincent Falco
- FACS Vantage: Ease of installation David Galbraith
- CellQuest versions Adrian Smith
- =?iso-8859-1?Q?=DF=2Dsubunit?= Ab C. Lopez-Mediavilla
- RE: PI Cell Cycle + FITC-Ab (Was Help!!) Mark A. Miller
- Oxyburst reagents Barren, Phil
- Flow Cytometrist Position Available J. Paul Robinson
- Annexin V vs TUNEL Diana Stone
- Help!! Lyndal Russell
- CH3 white mice Anna Travelstead
- Alveolar Macs + Standard Beads Geza Paukovics
- Coulter NY/NJ Users Meeting Steve Chomicz
- Free analysis software (In search of...) Claude Cantin
- Hematopathology Fellowship Howard Ratech
- B-D Data Lister- 2nd request Frederic Preffer
- Re: Linscott's Directory Mark K. Hechinger
- cytokeratin on the cell surface? Frederic Preffer
- RAM for HP340 -Reply Charles Kuszynski
- Linscott's Directory Don Tallon
- Cytomation GmbH Brian Hall
- Alveolar macs + Standard Beads Geza Paukovics
- Annexin V variability Dr James Clark
- 2nd Announcement/Cytometry Workshop + Course/Krakow Jurek Dobrucki
- Data analysis of oxidative burst measurements mckenziekroeger.jl@pg.com
- Looking for someone... william nostrom
- FCM Stained Nuclei Don Walker
- RAM for HP340 Vincent Falco
- assistance for young cytometrists needed Jurek Dobrucki
- Re: Murine intestinal epitÉ Florence Harrod
- Analysis of biohaazardous materials on the flow William George Telford
- Lymphocyte subsets in chicken blood Drs. S. Spanhaak
- Re: Murine intestinal epithelial antibody search Steven Merlin
- Many thanks for Dr. Ormerod William George Telford
- Fish by flow PBlair5529@aol.com
- Scrounging for parts Charles Kuszynski
- Autofluorescence Abby Allen
- Ca stores sgaffin@NATICK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- GFP and Krypton lasers Peter A. Lopez
- Murine intestinal epithelial antibody search Paul Fallon
- Apoptosis in HT29 cells LAADAMS@am.pnu.com
- Calcium flux in mast cells Derek Davies
- Many thanks to Dr.Ormerod! gerund@olinet.isf.kiev.ua
- RE: low LS events in apoptosis Tom Mc Closkey
- Seeking position FLOWFACS@aol.com
- Position Opening Bob Johnson
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry User Group Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- Re: Intracellular cytokines in monocytes (fwd) Michelle N Fiordalisi
- Re: Intracellular cytokines in monocytes (fwd) Michelle N Fiordalisi
- RE: Annexin V staining Andy Riddell
- Flow Position Offered Edward YURKOW
- RE: Annexin V staining Tom Mc Closkey
- RE: apoptosis Tom Mc Closkey
- RE: Proliferation index and apoptosis Tom Mc Closkey
- chromosome sorting Andreas Simm
- 5th ESACP Congress, Oslo, May 25-29, 1997 G.K.Valet
- recombinant Annexin V Dott. Giusiana LEVANTINO
- proflavine Jan Keij
- Optimization of Leukocyte integrin upregulation Maurice R.G. O'Gorman
- Stimulation of T-cells ILAB Husebekk Anne
- Don't fight the feeling with TdT and HLA-B27 C. Kevin Becker
- FACS for sale & job announcement Bob Donahoe
- Isotype Concentrations Tim Holzer
- internalization of antibodies Peter Nagy
- Proliferation index and apoptosis Anna Travelstead
- apoptosis Hughes, EJ, Jane, Ms
- Ca ionophore conc for LAD markers Hughes, EJ, Jane, Ms
- Re: TdT caveat -Reply CATHARINE S. FRITSCHI
- Wanted: Multiple plate microtiter reader Joerg Ueckert
- storage of blood samples Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- HP Consort 32 systems for sale william nostrom
- Annexin V staining Dr James Clark
- CD2 on human B cell progenitors ? Snider Denis
- RE: nylon mesh Paul J. Jansen
- RE: HLA TYPING B27 BY FLOW Snider Denis
- Re: HLA TYPING B27 BY FLOW Vivian Wu
- Re: nylon mesh Steven Merlin
- RE: nylon mesh Pizzo,Eugene
- Re: nylon mesh Raymond B. Hester
- Helium/Cadnium laser bpijb@picr.cr.man.ac.uk
- Intracellular cytokines in monocytes Michelle N Fiordalisi
- nylon mesh Steve Dewhurst
- Calcium Flux ronald hill
- Mouse splenocyte B/T cells A.Mitchell@unsw.edu.au
- 6th International CD meeting julia philips
- TdT caveat Walter Sharp
- Laser control box for coherent innova 90 Tom Sawyer
- HLA B27 TYPING Tom Sawyer
- alpha4 beta7 integrin Ab Simon Monard
- Cytometry software softflow@wavefront.com
- FACScan cleaning and maintenance Andreas.Christaras
- Control box for coherent innova 90 Tom Sawyer
- Re: HLA TYPING B27 BY FLOW Jorge Neumann
- RE: None McGilp, Rob
- exporting cell quest data...part 2 william nostrom
- Insulin Dan Smith
- Re: PE conjugates Gary Elliott
- Re: PE conjugates Gary Elliott
- HLA TYPING B27 BY FLOW ernest stapleton
- FITC labeled anti-Alk Phos? Calman Prussin
- laboratory interface systems Beth.Rees@med.utas.edu.au
- None Ron Slocombe
- anti-Streptavidin-PE Joern Schmitz
- re CDw109 D. Robert Sutherland
- Re: HELP! HP bernoulli question Jorge Neumann
- HELP! HP bernoulli question Arnon Blum
- HELP! HP bernoulli question Steve G. Hilliard
- Job opening tarnok@medizin.uni-leipzig.de
- flow facility workshop barbara ann butcher
- One more web page NoahHadas@aol.com
- Oncor Image HANDLEY@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu
- anti CDw109 Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- Position available Peter Lopez
- HLA B27 and Coulter XL Dr. Ken Orr
- Bacteria Peter Lopez
- FW: DNA stain Ross Longley
- Eastern Europe Michael G. Ormerod
- RE: Beads for Dye Laser Pizzo,Eugene
- Plasma membrane staining Aki Hoji
- HP 98753A monitor Jan Brozek
- Tdt Negative Lymphoblasts Lucille H Kimura
- PARTEC Sorters Francois PIUMI
- Transmembrane potential and Antibody staining... Chris Worth
- Re: Commercial websites J. Paul Robinson
- pH measurements Ken McDonald
- For Sale Elite Sorter J. Paul Robinson
- PE conjuagtes Richard K. Meister
- ISAC Toronto Sam Latt Conference: The Electronic Workshops Dave Coder
- HLA-B27 Brown, Patricia B.
- DNA stain Nona Sheila R. Agawin
- For Sale Elite Sorter KirbyDoug@aol.com
- BD / Pharmingen Kirk Watkins
- Sorting of frog adrenocortical cells Gary Durack
- Antibodies to pig HLA Robert Nordon
- Re: Wanted: Supplier for DiIC1(5) Jorg Ueckert
- RE: FACS calibur filter problems Pizzo,Eugene
- Cell Sorter for Sale Susan Rice
- RE: SHEEP TNF MOAB'S Mara Rocchi
- RE: Avidin conjugation of antibody McGilp, Rob
- Cell Sorter for Sale J. Paul Robinson
- FACS calibur filter problems william nostrom
- Sticking it to PBMCs sgaffin@NATICK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- ICE mAbs MK
- SHEEP TNF MOAB'S Mike Keeney
- Beads for Dye Laser Leslie Armstrong
- RE: anti-HLA mAb Pizzo,Eugene
- Asian cytometry contacts Bruce Milthorpe
- Postdoctoral position BLOCK:david_hedley@PMH.TORONTO.ON.CA
- Autofluorescent RBC's - again! Walter Sharp
- Re: Sorting Bacteria Jeanette Drew
- Commercial websites (was Re: BDIS Home Page) James M. Simone
- Re: Sorting Bacteria Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- RE: Avidin conjugation of antibody McGilp, Rob
- 2nd European Summer School on Clinical Applications of Flow gregor.rothe@klinik.uni-regensburg.de
- carcinogenesis & fcm dubelaar
- ISAC Toronto Conference: Abstracts on-line Dave Coder
- anti-gamma-tubulin Joshua Epstein
- Yeast Cell Cycle Method Martha Kirby
- Symposium on Stratagies for cancer detection & therapy Grace Chojnowski
- Alveolar Macs Geza Paukovics
Last message date: Tue 24 Jun 1997 - 18:40:13 EST
Archived on: Wed Jun 25 1997 - 03:12:17 EST
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