Warquignies, Nov 24, 1996
To all members of the EFCS Discussion Forum created by G.K. Valet
Dear colleagues,
Thanks to Prof G.K. Valet we have now an easy access to the net and we can exchange idees.
I will hereafter present you the french proposals (AFC). These height points have been submitted and accepted by our general assembly during our last meeting in Rouen 16-18 octobre 96.
I) The new association could be a "Union" like the IUIS (International Union of Immunological Societies) but, of course, for Europe thus E.U.I.S. This union will not have any power at the national level. Representatives of each national society, in proportion of their members, will constitued the board of the "Union".
II) This "Union" could only have as members, the national societies themself, and not their individual members.
III) The financial powers of this "Union" would come from the contribution
of each member societies who caould contribute in proportion of the number
of their own members (for exemple 3 to 5 EURO's by members seem enough)
IV) In a first time, this money would essentially be used for the support,
the new orientation of the scope and the improvement of the ACP journal
which could become the link between the national societes.
V) The subscription to the journal "ACP" would be made at a special low
rate, exclusively for the members of national societies, but in no case this
subscription will be mandatory.
VI) The editorial board would be progressively modified to offer a better
national representation and also taking into account the new orientations of
the Journal.
VII) The other activities of the "Union" could be the starting of an
internet site, concerted actions in the field of accreditation, QC,
standardisation ...
VIII) (added by the AG of AFC members) The aggrement of participation will
be made first for an evaluation period.
Please don't hesitate to send me your support, yours comments or yours
criticisms to these proposals.
D'Hautcourt Jean-Luc
President de l'Association Francaise de Cytometrie.