EFCS Discussion Forum

G.Valet, Nov.19, 1996

Dear colleagues,

with a substantial number of positive comments for the foundation of a Federation of European Cytometric societies (FECS), it seems appropriate to open a discussion forum to facilitate the exchange of ideas. The members of this group are constituted of presidents and past presidents of European national cytometric societies, of European past presidents and president elect of ISAC, of speakers of cytometry related European Working groups and of the ESACP officers together with the 5th ESACP congress organizers in Oslo. Please correct me for omissions.

The discussion forum will be set up as an electronic mailing list. This mailing list will be shortly availabe by courtesy of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Messages to the E-mail address of the mailing list will be automatically redistributed to all members of the discussion group. Most of the E-mail addresses are now available. The remaining ones will hopefully be shortly communicated.

The addresses of the members of the discussion group are provided in the fax enclosure but they are also displayed in the Internet. Active mail links in this list will facilitate personal communications amongst the members of the group. It might be useful to install a bookmark pointing to this address in everyones web browser.

I am presently collecting constitutions and bylaws of other European or International Federations or Unions of scientific societies. They will be displayed at the EFCS discussion group web-site for information. If you are a member of a federation or have otherwise access to such documents, please send me a good quality copy by high resolution fax or preferentially by mail to OCR the document into the web-site.

With best regards
