Re: cell "settling" in the tubes

Sun, 13 Jul 1997 19:09:29 EDT


I may need to post this question to a different list, but
I'm hoping that someone in flow-nation can point me
in the right direction.

One of the fellows in the lab is trying to get transfected
expression of HLA-A3 (pHeBo vector, neo selection) in
lymphoblastoid cells, and has been having problems that
seem to be the result of re-arrangements in the plasmid.
It appears that these re-arrengements occurred before
this fellow received it.

Does anyone know where we might obtain another HLA-A3
expression vector, ideally with neo selection (but
any reliable selection agent would be usable)? If
so, could you send me the name/address/email etc
of the appropriate contact person?

Thank you for your help!

Sandra M. Gaston PhD
Center for Cancer Research

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