Re: FACS calibur filter problems

David L. Haviland, Ph.D. (
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 16:47:39 -0500

At 08:08 4/9/97 PDT, you wrote:
>Hello Flowers
> This is for all of you who have use the FACS Calibur. I have been having
>problems with the laser air filter on my instrument. This is the filter that
>sits above the sheath/ waste drawer, and below the laser assembly.
Everytime I
>open the drawer, the sheath tank fluid resistor cap catches the edge of the
>filter and tears it apart. I ahve gone through four filters within a very
>period of time because of this.


Many thanks for this post! I have my eyes peeled for posts about Calibur
and Vantage problems. I have a new Calibur and it took me a bit to know
what it was you were talking about. Once I saw the filter, I understand
the problem. Our cap doesn't hit the filter but the tubing does. For us,
the filter is aluminum framed and the filter is also held in place with
aluminum. Our sheath cap clears the filter by a good 3/8" to half inch
with clearance. However, the tubing sticks up from the cap and it does rub
against the filter. Once I saw the situation, my concern is whether the
metal edges of the filter will slice the sheath tank (waste too!) tubing to
ribbons. Our machines may be somewhat different with regard to our caps
and clearance.

Just out of curiosity, is your filter made of metal?

Many thanks,

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