NOTE: Press to access the local Sites on this CD

1. Cytometry and Related Societies

2. Cytometry User Groups

3. Cytometry Mailboxes/Software

4. Biomedical Cytometry

5. Aquatic and Biotechnological Cytometry

6. Cytometry Mirror

7. Cytometry Consensus Documents/Ring Trials:

8. Cytometry Education:

9. Internet Operation:

  • Off-line Internet, a timesaver ! Download all Martinsried pages, read the concept and follow the installation procedure (DOS-PC).

    For problems or comments, please contact:
    G.Valet E-mail: , Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563, INTERNET address:, Last update: Feb.26, 1996
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