Our Africa Connections


 The 4th AIBBC Workshops and Conference

here is the link to the program for the workshops and conference

The workshops:

This year the workshops were held at IPR - the Institute for Primate Research in Nairobi. This was a wonderful location -in the middle of a forest surrounded by wild baboons!You better make sure you close and lock all the windows!!!

Workshop 1:

Flow cytometry - we had a fantastic group of students -and we have 4 practical stations for the students to rotate through.This includedan ACEA instrument supported by Dr. Heather Paich -Heather did a great job.A CYtel instrument supported byJanelle Shook, a Cytoflex instrument from Beckman Coulter, supported by Newton Kimiywi, and aLuminex instrument(Muse) supported by Dr. John Waters.



2021 Congress and Workshops
  Students learning good laboratory technques

Lunch during the Conference sessions at IPR 
Flow Cytometry Workshop at IPR in 2019  
Teachers at the Mombaa meeting 2019  
Conference Session in Mombasa Meeting, 2019