About the TED prize
The TED Prize was created as a way of taking the inspiration, ideas, and resources that are generated at TED and using them to make a difference. Although the winners receive a prize of $100,000 each, that's the least of what they get. The real prize is that they are granted a WISH. A wish to change the world.
For details on all the TED Prize winners, visit TEDPrize.org.
When James Nachtwey was awarded the TED Prize in 2007, he was given $100,000 and one wish to change the world. This was his wish:
"I'm working on a story that the world needs to know about. I wish for you to help me break it in a way that provides spectacular proof of the power of news photography in the digital age."
About TED
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader, with one mission: spreading ideas.
The annual TED Conference now brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes).
TED.com, in turn, makes the best talks and performances from TED available to the public, for free. Some 300 talks from our archive are now available, with more added each week. These videos are released under a Creative Commons license, so they can be freely shared and reposted.
TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.
To learn more about TED, visit www.ted.com.
Adapted with permission from the XDRTB.org website, February 2009.
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