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UNFPA Ethiopia’s Goals and Objectives

UNFPA Ethiopia’s 6th Country Programme have been designed to support the four priority areas identified in the joint UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF, 2007-2011), signed between the United Nations System and the Government of Ethiopia. Specifically, regarding HIV, the UNDAF states: “By 2011, achieve substantial progress towards reducing the vulnerability to HIV infection, especially of women and girls, and alleviating the impact of the epidemic, with emphasis on underserved and affected population” (UNDAF, Strategic Areas of Cooperation, 2.i.3).

Accordingly, UNFPA Ethiopia’s Advocacy Strategy for implementing its 6th Country Programme (2007-2011) explicitly states the following objective:

“[Reproductive Health] Advocacy Issue VI: Greater commitment of political leaders and decision-makers to take effective and accelerated HIV prevention actions directed at young people and sex workers particularly focusing on rural areas and on females, using both traditional and new entry points.”

Specifically, through partnership with the Government of Ethiopia, UNFPA Ethiopia seeks to achieve the following policy solutions/actions regarding HIV/AIDS:

To improve maternal health, UNFPA focuses on four prongs: family planning (FP), skilled attendance and birth, emergency obstetric care (EmOC), and reproductive health commodity security (RHCS). Objectives for maternal health are embedded in the four Reproductive Health outputs in UNFPA Ethiopia’s Advocacy Strategy:

For example, such alignment of programming for gender, RH, HIV, and maternal health issues is apparent in the design of a new joint programme with UNICEF. The HIV prevention programme, which targets adolescents and young people, has several key outputs: