Cell Biochemistry Martinsried
Prof.Dr.Günter K. Valet
1. Curriculum Vitae
- 1961-67: studies of medicine Univ.Munich, Freiburg, Montpellier
- 1965-67: doctoral thesis, MPI-Biochemie, Munich, Dep.Exp.Medicine (Prof.G.Ruhenstroth-Bauer)
- 1968: M.D. University Munich
- 1968-69: assistant in surgery, gynecology and internal medicine at
Univ.Hospitals, Munich
- 1970-71: assistant MPI-Biochemie, Munich, Dep.Exp.Medicine
- 1972-73: research fellow Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California,
Biochemistry of the Human Complement System (Prof.H.J.Müller-Eberhard)
- 1973-81: assistant MPI-Biochemie, Martinsried, Dep.Exp.Medicine
- 1974: habilitation for Experimental Medicine, Univ.Munich
- 1981: appointment as Professor for Exp.Medicine, Univ.Munich
- 1981-1989: head of the independent Cancer Cell Research Group
(Mildred-Scheel-Laboratory) at the MPI-Biochemie, Martinsried
- 1989-: head of Cell Biochemistry Group at MPI-Biochemie, Martinsried
2. Honors
2.1 Scientific Societies
- 1994-99: president and president-elect European Society Analytical Cellular
Pathology (ESACP)
- 1990-94: president and president-elect Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Zytometrie (DGZ)
- 1992-96: councillor International Society for Analytical Cytology
- 1981-85: councillor ISAC
- 1991-: councillor Clinical Cytometry Division ISAC (CCD)
2.2 Editorial Boards
- 1989-: Analytical Cellular Pathology
- 1990-: Cellular Pharmacology
- 1988-96: Cytometry
- 1986-88: Blut
For problems or comments, please contact:
G.Valet, E-mail:
Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie,
Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany,
Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563,
INTERNET address: http://www.biochem.mpg.de/valet/cellbio.html
Last Update: May 20, 1997