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1) Copy the file cc3.exe from the CD-ROM to a
temporary directory on your computer.
2) Run cc3.exe. This is a self-extracting compressed file that
should generate 3 files; Setup.exe, 3Color.001 and 3Color.002.
3) Click on the Setup.exe file to install the CC3Ware software.
4) Follow the on-screen prompts.
5) After installation is complete, a new group called CC3Ware
will be created. It will contain the program executable, the help
file, and an uninstall program.
6) The help file, CC3Ware.hlp, is included and contains a
Tutorial along with general help.
7) After restarting Windows95, the CC3Ware executable will be
found within the Start Menu, under Programs and CC3Ware.
1) Should you want to uninstall CC3Ware, the
uninstall program can be found within the Start Menu, under
Programs and CC3Ware.
2) Simply run this program and the program will be uninstalled.
3) There may be several configuration files left in the CC3Ware
directory after the uninstall program has been run. This is
normal. All of these files and the CC3Ware directory may safely
be removed.
Copyright ©1998 by Rochester MicroSystems, Inc. -- All rights reserved.