Re: elite detector

Mr. Douglas Smoot (
Tue, 22 Oct 96 17:14:29 EDT

>I'm wondering if you can share what you have heard about problems in
>the red fluorescence detector on the Elite. We use 7-AAD or PerCP on
>that detector. We also use APC on the same detector (HeNe laser) by
>using the gated AMP. We would like to know of ANY problems others may
>have had with the Elite. We're routinely using 4-color protocol for
>immunophenotyping, just want to make sure that there's no surprises!
>Thanks for any info. Nancy Gin - United Hospital, St.Paul, MN.
>Phone:(612)220-8910 Fax: (612)220-7273.
What I heard was second hand, so I can't give too much information, but
there seems to be some red scattering in the old flow cells. The old optics
are also not optimized for Red fluorescence, so for dim fluorochromes, they
may be a problem. I am aware that Coulter does have an upgrade for this. I
need to investigate the problem further and talk to the people my
investigator talked to about the Red fluorescnece problem on the Elite. If
I find out anything more, I will post it to the list.

Douglas Smoot
Immune Cell Biology Program
Naval Medical Research Institute, Code O612
Bethesda, MD 20889-5607
voice (301) 295-6272 fax: (301) 295-0376