Cell cycle analysis

Terry Hoy (Hoy@cardiff.ac.uk)
Fri, 4 Oct 1996 10:25:31 GMT

'Cylchred' is a utility for cell cycle analysis based on the pragmatic
approach of Watson et al 1987 Cytometry 8, 1-8 with modifications by
Ormerod 1991 and myself 1996. Initially I used this model on an HP216
with Consort 30 and found it very useful for synchronised populations
as well as for conventional cell cycle analysis.
The current PC version reads single parameter DNA histograms in
ASCII format. I use Joe Trotter's WinMDI for operations such as
doublet discrimination before saving histograms as 'unformatted
ASCII' but any other list of integers representing the histogram
should work. It will take up to 1024 channels at present.
If G0/1 is the highest peak in the first half of the histogram the
package automatically detects G0/1 and G2/M before calculating the
fit. More unusual histograms are dealt with as follows.
1) An attempt is made to find positions for G0/1 & G2/M.
If you are happy with these positions procede with the fit or :
2) Call back the positions used for the previous histogram
If these are suitable procede with the fit or :
3) Enter approximate values from the keyboard before calculating the
As well as % G0/1,S & G2/M for the 'cycling' region of the histogram
it also calculates debris (low channels - not as continuum), events
above debris and below G0/1 (sub G0/1) and, events above G2/M.
Numeric output can be printed and graphics treated as follows.
1) Running Cylchred from Windows enables the graphics to be placed on
the clipboard and captured by other packages.
2) Running as a DOS program, before starting run GRAPHICS with
appropriate parameters for your printer. This enables PrintScreen to
be used for screen dumps.
Results are almost instantaneous with a 133MHz processor and Windows
95, at 33MHz on a 486 up to 5 seconds is taken depending on the
complexity of the histogram (it is an iterative process).
I have also seen Cylchred running on a PowerMac under SoftWindows with
no problem.
At present it will not handle multiple populations (i.e. aneuploid +
Copies can be obtained from

CytonetUK http://www.cf.ac.uk/uwcm/hg/hoy/
(an example is shown at the top of this home page)

By ftp open ftp.cf.ac.uk
change directory to pub/UWCM/hg
get cylchred.exe (remember to select BINARY)

All comments most welcome.

Happy cycling,

Dr. Terry Hoy
Principal Research Officer
Department of Haematology Telephone 44 1222 743458
University of Wales College of Medicine FAX 44 1222 744655
Heath Park E-mail hoy@cardiff.ac.uk
CARDIFF CF4 4XN http://www.cf.ac.uk/uwcm/hg/hoy/index.html