Dave Coder
-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Armstrong-Lea <larmstro@cvmbs.colostate.edu>
To: cyto-inbox
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 1997 8:25 PM
Subject: EPICS 5 gated amp
> We have an EPICS 5 dual-laser bench with
>a gated aplifier. We do not have the proper documentation, however.
>Is there anyone out there that has the Coulter EPICS V dual laser
>manual that would be willing to send us a copy of the section for the
>gated amplifier? Thank you very much.
>Leslie Armstrong-Lea
>Radiological Health Sciences
>Colorado State University
>Ft. Collins, CO 80523, USA
> voice:(970)491-1347
> fax:(970)491-0623