Re: Phagocytosis Assay
Rafael Nunez (
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 10:12:38 +0100
Dear Pamela and Carol
We are using the test Bursttest or Phagoburst from Orpegen Pharma, that
system measured the activity oxidative respiratory in monocytes and
granulocytes from blood. It is a pretty good test and one of our graduate
students is doing his doctoral degree on that. The results are quite good
so far, but you should be very carefull in the gates and settings that you
will use. Otherwise, you wont see anything. I have performed some graphic
analysis and the best way to display the results is by dotblot (Mario,
another application for dot blot).
The email of the company is:
FAX: 06221/910510, Germany
Orpegen pharma, Gesellschaft fur biotechnologische forschung, Entwicklung
und production m.b.H.
Czerny-ring 22, D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Good luck and keep in touch if you need additional information
>I'm interested in an assay for measuring the binding of bacteria to
>macrophages and bacterial killing by macrophages (phagocytosis).
>Peripheral blood monocytes from rhesus monkey will be used. I would
>like to FITC-label and analyze by flowcytometry. If you can assist in
>any manner please notify me. Thank you. Pamela
>Pamela L. Turner
>email -
>fax - (404) 894-8502
>phone - (404) 894-5986
(o o)
___/\_ | Rafael Nunez
/ o \/| | University Inst.for Virology
/ _| | Winterthurerstr. 266a Telephone: (+41) 1 6358710
/_/\__/-\/ | 8057 Zurich SWITZERLAND Faximile : (+41) 1 6358911