FACScan Worth?
Moss, Delynn M. (dmm3@cdc.gov)
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 09:37:00 -0400
Glenn R. Michalek wrote:
I am in search of some marketing info. We are in the process of
an equipment upgrade in our research facility, and we would like to
determine the market value of our current machine.
We have a 1989 model Becton Dickinson FACScan with an air cooled
laser capable of 3-color analysis. It is accompanied by a Hewlett
Packard computer, harddrive, 11" monitor, paint-jet printer, and
Intelligent Interface buffer. All equipment has been under full
service contract with BD since new, and has a recent laser replacement
(approx. 9 mos. ago) and harddrive replacement (approx. 4 mos. ago).
The machine has been very reliable and is currently working well.
The dilemma we are faced with is whether we should trade in our
current machine or keep it as a backup unit. An assessment of its
current market value will help us to arrive at this decision. If you
can provide us with any help, please e-mail me directly. Thank
you in advance for your help.
We also purchased a FACScan in 1991 with similar peripherals as yours
and it has been on preventative maintenance contract since its purchase.
BD has offered about $35,000 for our FACScan in a trade for a
FACSCalibur. However, I am sure the $35,000 is wholesale price.
Because of this, we will likely keep the FACScan and purchase the
FACSCalibur with no tade.
Hope this helps.
Delynn Moss
Division of Parasitic Diseases
Centers for Disease Control