About TdT positive acute promyelocytic leukemia, more details are as follows;
The monoclonal antibody was
anti-TdT FITC
GenClone TdT, Gen Trak, Inc.
clone: HTdT-1, HTdT-3, and HTdT-4
hybridoma: SP2xBalb/c
antigen: TdT (human), 67,000 M.W.
classes: HTdT-1, IgG2a (mouse)
HTdT-3, IgG2a (mouse)
HTdT-4, IgG1 (mouse)
Can someone let me know the reference regarding TdT positive APL?
Thanks in advance.
Chang-Seok Ki, MD
Dept. of Clin Path
Samsung Medical Center
E-mail kcdol@samsung.co.kr