FACSTAR PLUS PROBLEMS...just to be fair

Pizzo,Eugene (Pizzo@nso1.uchc.edu)
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 15:51:09 -0400

Dear Colleagues,

Since I was one of the most vocal to complain about the interface problems
with the FACStar Plus to PowerPC upgrade it's important to now indicate to
the community
that BD has successfully resolved these problems on my machine and we are
back up and
running, thanks in no small part to my service engineer who spent many hours
the appropriate wiring configuration. There are a few software workarounds
that I believe
should be expected given that this is essentially FACS Vantage software
being made backward
compatible to the FACStar Plus but all in all the upgrade is a tremendous
improvement over
HP/LYSYS II and I would at this time recommend it.

Gene Pizzo/UCONN Health