Re: Distance between sort streams
Tue, 17 Sep 1996 12:32:06 +1000

Yash Pal Agrawal,

> Two persons pointed out that one of the reasons could be that the metal
> charging plates are attached upside down. Thus, the next question is which
> is right side up.?
> One of you informed that the long arm of the charging plates should be
> pointing up towards the nozzle, whereas the BD operator manual that I have
> shows just the reverse (i.e. long arms point downward).
> Could someone kindly clarify ? Is there an error in the BD manual ?.

Yes, there is probably an error in your manual. Our manual is an
early version (May 1988) but in ours, the figure 2-11 "Stream
interrogation and separation chamber" is definitely *wrong*. Two
pages over, the figure 2.14 "Sample collection box" shows the
deflection plates with long sides upward. This is *correct*.

\ / < Flow Systems Laboratory
Frank Battye \__/ <<<<< The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
Robyn Muir ----------!!<<<<<<<< Victoria 3050, AUSTRALIA
Dora Kaminaris /!!\ <<<<< ph: 61_3_9345 2540 fax: 61_3_9347 0852
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