Re: fixated on fixation

Joseph Webster (
Mon, 27 May 1996 08:33:25 +1100

At 05:32 PM 23/05/96 -0400, Calman Prussin wrote:
>A question for the group:
>Has anyone had experience with losing signal after fixing previously
>stained cells? If so, with what fluorophore and what fixative? I have
>been fixing cells with 2% methanol free paraformaldehyde and seem to be
>losing my PE/Cy5 staining!

I remember that certain antigens (and certain antibodies) are killed by
paraformaldehyde fixing; I have not heard of flourochromes being affected
in the same way, but check it out anyway.
Sorry I can't find a list of affected stains, I'm sure those who work a
lot with fixed cells can provide some specific info.

The best test is simply to stain some cells, read them fresh, fix, then
repeat the reading.


Joseph Webster (O.I.C. Flow Cytometry)
Centenary Institute of cancer Medicine & Cell Biology
Locked Bag No.6, Newtown, NSW 2042, AUSTRALIA.
Ph: 61-2-565-6110 		Fax: 61-2-565-6101