In general the new sheath works great for sorters and analyzers. We've found,
however, that after sorting cells that should attach (e.g., various
fibroblast lines) did not. Other cells (say, thymic cells that grow in
suspension culture) seem unaffected.
That something in the FACS Flow was affecting the cells was tested by taking
a cell sample, subdividing into aliquots, spinning down and resuspending in
FACS Flow, PBS, and HBSS; incubating for a period at 4C, spinning down again,
and replating. Only the cells that spent time in FACS Flow would not attach;
others attached, flattened out, and began to grow.
Previously we had used Hemaline (Serono Labs) with no ill effects. Hemaline
contains lithium chloride and some "preservative", but FACS Flow uses sodium
fluoride and some "antibacterial".
Has anyone else had similar observations, and does anyone know if any of the
additives affect cellular attachment and/or growth?
Dave Coder