Re: reference managment software?

Joseph Webster (
Fri, 03 Nov 1995 08:45:29 +1000

Hello All
My bit to add to the pool:

A small sting to beware of!!!

Endnote is a great product, versions for both Mac and Windows, BUT..
To link it into the word processor of your choice, you need EndLink,

We were caught badly, spent around $2000 on multiple copies of Endnote,
(No bulk license available...) then had to find another $1000 before
anyone could use it!


At 14:11 31/10/95, Steve G. Hilliard wrote:
>Hopefully not too far off the mark, but I'm sure most of us must
>serve as cytometry information resources for our users. Does anyone
>have any direct experience with any of the bibliographic packages
>available (Endnote, Papyrus, Reference Manager, etc)? I'm looking
>for a Windows package to manage my literature references, allowing me
>to assemble reference lists pertaining to particular cell types,
>applications etc. Obviously I'd like for it to cooperate with my
>word processor (MS Word), but I also need the ability to import
>straight text files (after scanning and OCR) and to import from
>online databases and CD-ROM services. Anyone have any opinions to