Re: Right angle scatter with UV laser line?

Terry Hoy (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 14:21:33 GMT

>Re right angle scatter using uv
>Hi Ray
>If you still have the 488 band pass filter in the side scatter channel you
>will of course get no signal. The side scatter channel in the 440 I had (God
>bless her) was broken so I never found out if putting a uv band pass filter
>in could give you a side scatter signal.
>Simon Monard
>Aaron Diamond Center
>New York

Our 440 gives superb SSC with a 400 short pass. Hope this doesn't
upset you too much Simon, ours is still alive and kicking, sorting
chromosomes etc.

Terry.Dr. Terry Hoy
Principal Research Officer
Department of Haematology Telephone 44 1222 743458
University of Wales College of Medicine FAX 44 1222 744655
Heath Park E-mail