>I have now been using winMDI for a few weeks and am impressed with its
>graphics capability on screen, and its intuitive use of drop-in/drop-down
>menus. The problem is printing the formatted page with up to 8 histogram
>It is apallingly slooooow!.... Neal Benson has suggested the use of
>The printers in use are a HP Deskjet 500C (for colour) and a
>rather nice Apple Laserwriter 16/600PS (for black and white). What's
>printing like from CellQuest on the Mac, is this also slow, especially for
>colour? The fact that the HP9000/340 can spool so efficiently implies that
>some work must have gone into this part of Lysis II.
VERY different kettles of fish!
The HP system simply copies dot-for-dot from screen to printer with no
composition and very simple scaling, while other systems must compose and
scale the image, then translate the image into HPGL or Postscript language
before sending to the printer.
If the printer is networked, there is another transfer step between PC &
Which step of the process is taking the most time?
What sort of PC are you using? 486, 386? what clock speed?
Is the LaserWriter directly connected to the PC, or via network?
We are testing Cellquest on a Power Mac, and running WinMDI on several 486
PCs, either 40Mhz or 66Mhz.
In our system, both WinMDI and Cellquest can take several minutes to compose
& scale the image, depending on the complexity.
It also takes some time for the data to be transmitted from the PC via the
network/server to the printer and for the printer to put it on paper.
Our HP Deskjet 1200cPS should be faster than your 500c, (even over the net)
and our Compaq Pagemarq 15 is probably similar speed to the Apple. (much
faster than the Deskjet)
We have tried directly connecting a Laserwriter to the PC, and it makes a
small difference.
Joseph Webster (O.I.C. Flow Cytometry & Communications) ===
Centenary Institute of cancer Medicine & Cell Biology / \
Locked Bag No.6 || o o ||
Newtown, NSW 2042 || | ||
AUSTRALIA. | \___/ |
Ph: 61-2-565-6110 \ /
Fax: 61-2-565-6101 |||||
E-Mail: J.Webster@centenary.usyd.edu.au