Elite software and WIn95

Alan Bishop (BISHOP@immuno.imvs.sa.gov.au)
Wed, 5 Jul 1995 13:49:32 GMT+1030

I wondered if anyone had had any success in running any version of the
Elite software (for offline workstation analysis) under windows 95.

Versions earlier than 4 will run but are inhibited from writing to
disk because of the non-standard way in which they wrote to disk.
They still perform illegal operations that cause them to terminate!

Version 4.01 refuses to run because of "insufficient memory

No matter what setings I try for EMS XMS DPMI or Conventional memory
it still comes up with the "insufficient memory available" error
message. I have also tried almost all the other win95 progam property
settings to no avail.

| |
| Alan Bishop |
| Flow Cytometry Laboratory |
| Hanson Centre for Cancer Research |
| Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science |
| PO Box 14 Rundle Mall |
| Adelaide SA 5000 |
| |
| Voice : 61-8-228 7258 |
| Fax : 61-8-232 4092 |
| Email : bishop@immuno.imvs.gov.sa.au |
| |