RE: what's happening here?

Ross Longley (Longley@HBOI.EDU)
Fri, 30 Jun 95 08:36:00 PDT

Hello All!

Well, things are hopping here as usual. We have been TRYING to duplicate
some of the techniques we learned at the Annual Course. Tried some of the
chromosome/P.I. analysis from Scott Cram's lab (I know Mark, why would I
want to do this?)--Used a human cell line and got half-way decent
results--faxed it to Cram's lab and he said it was a pretty good start! Not

I finally got talked into looking at DNA from sponges. The histograms of
freshly isolated sponge cells look remarkably like mammalian DNA, index of
1.98 (I thought they had handed me a tube of a mammalian cell line.

Nothing much more here. Busy as usual. Time to go flow.

To: cyto-inbox
Cc: longley; jkeij; eichmancf; moorman
Subject: what's happening here?
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 1995 11:01AM

What am I going to do with youse guys? You don't don't write...
Living in a vacuum is much harder now. Let me know if anything new or
exciting is happening!
