After setting up this original assay, I investigated some other
dyes. 5(and-6) carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester
(CFSE) from Molecular Probes (cat no C-1157; phone no (503) 465-4953
for technical assistance
or (800) 438-2209 for orders) worked better, because it covalently
links to cytosollic proteins and does not leak out of the cell
quickly. The targets retain their label for 18-24 hrs.
In addition, it is helpful to set up the assay in tubes that will
fit on your flow cytometer directly and/or to use an autoloader. I
always did each point in duplicate rather than triplicate as is
usual in the chromium release assay. This helped to keep the number
of tubes managable.
You will be measuring fluorescent cells remaining rather than
release (or dead cells) so the equation to calculate cytotoxicity
Hope this helps. If you have more questions, e-mail me.
Tony Bakke (