Re: CD45-gating
Thu, 25 May 1995 09:46:50 -0400

CD45 gating was not intended to be used in this way. We use the combination
CD45 / CD14 / CD3 to determine three parameters, two of these, lymphocyte
purity and recovery, have been described in detail in the MMWR (March 4, 1994
/ vol.43 / No.RR-3). But also as an important QC for the hematology percent
lymphocytes can be determined by the histogram CD14 x ss gated on CD45. The
lower left quad will give the percent lymphs. which we find to have very good
correlation with the hemt. diff. This is true of normals as well as early and
late stage HIV positive individuals.

Stephen P. Perfetto
Department of HIV Disease Prevention
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
1600 East Gide Drive
Rockville, MD. 20850

Subject: CD45-gating
Author: (Marc Langweiler)
Date: 5/24/95 5:28 PM


This question may be more philosophical than factual, and if it seems that I
should know better, turn your burners to high.

Assume that for immunophenotyping
1) you use CD45 as a third color,
2) you gate on CD45 vs SS, and
3) you report results on the other two markers based on discrete CD45 vs SS

Regarding the reporting of numerical values for CD45:
1) isn't it nonsensical to report a value for CD45 when it itself is a bitmap
parameter, or,
2) doesn't it stand to reason that if you draw a bitmap around a discrete CD45
population, that by definition that population is 100% "positive", and should
be reported as such?

Thanks for your indulgence. My protagonist in this struggle and I have reached
an impasse. I'm hoping that there is a published convention on how to deal
with this issue.

Marc Langweiler