RE: Phoenix software for Coulter analyser
Dan Smith (DJS@ALLP.COM)
Thu, 30 Jan 97 13:48:00 PST
Phoenix Flow's multiplus has worked very well in analyzing Profile II data
for us.
Dan Smith
San Diego
{From: owner-cyto-sendout
{To: Cytometry Mailing List
{Subject: Phoenix sofware for Coulter analyser
{Date: Thursday, January 30, 1997 4:28PM
{We are looking into software for good display and analysis of data.
{We use a coulter profile 2 analyser. Does anyone have experience with
{Phoenix MultiPlus analysis software, or could recommend any other
{software package for consideration?
{I would appreciate any advice.
{Stan.Stan Ress
{Clinical Immunology laboratory
{Dept of Medicine
{H47 Old main BLG,
{Groote Schuur Hospital,
{Cape Town, South Africa
{Phone: Intern + 2721-4066201
{FAX : Intern + 2721-4486815