(no subject)
Anna Porwit (anpo@mb.ks.se)
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 11:27:11 +0100
>Question for Clinical Flow People:
>What volume of bone marrow do you aspirate for flow. If you aspirate too
>much you get blood, not bone marrow. However, you want as much as possible
>from a single site. I had thought 1mL per site was maximum but was told
>today that 3 mL gives a good yield. Please share you specifications and I
>will summarize for those interested.
> Maryalice
>Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
>Director Flow Cytometry Unit
>Laboratory of Pathology, NCI, NIH
We recommend 1,5 - 2ml BM in heparine tube with 1 ml NaCL. It works very
well, and we get enough materia even for our diagnostic program for acute
leukemia which (according to European Concerted Action for Minimal Residual
Disease) contains 22 tripple combinations of antibodies.
Best wishes
Anna Porwit-MacDonald, MD, PhD
Haematopathology Lab., Dept. of Pathology
Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden