EFCS Discussion Forum


The assistence of the IFCC secretariat (Mme Thirion, Nancy)
in providing the IFCC Constitution and Bylaws is gratefully acknowledged


Clinical Chemistry involves the study and application of chemistry, defined in its broadest sense, to the practice of medicine. The scope of the subject matter of this discipline is recognised by several names in various parts of the world (e.g. clinical biochemistry, physiological chemistry, chemical pathology). Included in its scope are the chemical facets of all areas of laboratory medicine.

The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) was formed to advance the science and practice of clinical chemistry throughout the world in the interest of the peoples of the world. These Articles of Association were approved by the IFCC Council on June 18, 1972 and amended by IFCC Council on July 13, 1975. They were further reviewed and amended by Council on April 29, 1984 and on November 14. 1993.

Articles of Association

1. Name and legal domicile
In accordance with the articles set forth hereunder and with articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code, an Association is hereby formed under the name of International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (Federation Internationale de Chimie Clinique) (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the Federation).The legal permanent domicile (siege) of the Federation is in Lausanne (Switzerland).

2. Purposes
The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry exists to advance the theory and practice of clinical laboratory science and to further its application in the provision of health services and the practice of medicine.

3. Organization
The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry is organized with:
(1) a Council (Article 5 hereafter)
(2) an Executive Board (Article 6 hereafter)
and holds General Meetings as provided for under Article 9 hereafter.

4. Membership

5. Council

6. Executive Board

7. Affiliated Organizations
At its discretion the Executive Board may designate organizations engaged in the broad field of clinical laboratory science as Affiliated Organizations with the IFCC. The rights associated with such a designation shall be determined by the Executive Board.

8. The Rights of Members
The Rights of Full Members are determined by Council. The Rights of Associate Members and Corporate Members shall be determined by the Executive Board and subjected to approval by Council. These Rights shall be set out in the Rules.

9. General Meetings

10. Dues
The annual dues for the various forms of membership (4.1) of the Federation shall be fixed by Council. Failure to pay dues by the prescribed date shall lead to a loss of Rights as is set out in the Rules. Council, on the advice of the Executive Board, has the discretion to recognize exceptional circumstances affecting a Member society and has the power to modify dues.

11. Winding-up
If the Federation is wound up then the net assets will be employed to realize the purposes set out in Article 2.

12. Amendments
Proposals of amendments to these articles of association may be presented in writing through the Executive Board to the Council. Such proposals must be proposed by one voting member of Council and seconded by another voting member. Amendments may also be presented by the Executive Board. Any such proposal must be received six months before a meeting of Council, otherwise it woulcl be processed by mail as set out in the Rules. In either case acceptance of amendments shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting.

====== to be followed shortly by the Bylaws ======

For problems or comments, please contact:
G.Valet E-mail: valet@vms.biochem.mpg.de , Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563, INTERNET address: http://www.biochem.mpg.de/valet/efcs.html
Last Update: Jan.17, 1997