For these purposes or either of them:
a) to hold and arrange instructional courses on matters connected with
biochemistry and
b) to facilitate the exchange of scientific information between biochemists
generally and especially European biochemists by the holding of meetings and
discussions and by other appropriate means.
Since the aim of the Federation is to advance biochemistry and not to benefit personally the biochemists who are members of the Federation, the publication and other facilities provided by the Federation shall so far as practicable and subject to any reasonable charge be made available to persons who are not members as well as members.
b) New admissions of Biochemical Societies to membership or associate membership of the Federation are to be decided by its Council, provided that the Society making the application has lodged full details and documentation of its activities with the Secretary-Generai at least three months before the Council meeting.
c) The affairs of the Federation shall be conducted by a Council. The Council may empower a Constituent Society to act on its behalf.
d) Each Constituent Society shall nominate one delegate or a deputy to the Council of the Federation. The delegate shall be reappointed biannually by the Constituent Society.
e) The Council shall from time to time appoint one of the Constituent Societies to be the Host Society. The Host Society should appoint a person who will serve as a new Chairman of the Council He is in the Statutes referred to as Chairman.
f) The Council shall elect, by secret ballot, the following officers, namely a Secretary- General, a Treasurer, a Chairman of the Publications Committee, a Chairman of the Advanced Courses Committee, a Chairman of the Fellowships Committee and a Meetings Counsellor. Each of these officers shall serve for a term of three years. FEBS officers will not be reeligible in the same capacity for more than two additional terms (total of nine years), except the Treasurer. None of these officers shall be a delegate of his Constituent Society. Each of these officers and also the immediate past-Chairman shall be ex-officio a full member of the Council with the right to vote.
g) Except as otherwise expressly provided by these Statutes, any matter to be decided by the Council shall be decided by a simple majority vote of those present and voting at a meeting of the Council.
h) The Council shall meet at each General Meeting of the Federation and at such other times as may be necessary.
i) Subject to the Council the administration of the Federation shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairrnan, the immediate past-Chairman, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, the Chairman of the Publications Committee, the Chairman of the Advanced Course Committee, the Chairman of the Fellowships Committee and the Meetings Counsellor. They shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Council and to enter into contracts in the period between meetings of the Council.
j) Any Constituent Society is free to withdraw from the Federation at a meeting of the Council provided notice of such withdrawal has been communicated to the Chairman at least one month before the Council Meeting.
b) A General Meeting of the Federation shall provide opportunities for the presentation of original communications, demonstrations and symposia. The detailed arrangements for the Meeting shall be at the entire discretion of the Host Societv c) The financial arrangements for a Federation Meeting are the responsibility of the Host Society. Registration fees for those attending a General Meeting may be charged by the Host Society and members of all Constituent Societies or Associate Societies shail be charged on the same basis.
b) It shall be the duty of each Constituent Society or Associate Society to publicize the activities of the other Constituent Societies or Associate Societies so as to encourage contacts between biochemists in the different European countries, and on request to circulate to its members information of the next Federation Meeting.
Proposed changes must be notified in writing to the Secretary-General, at least three months before a Council Meeting. The Secretary-General shall in tum notify all Constituent Societies and Associate Societies of such proposals, at least two months before the Council Meeting. No change shall be made which would extend the objects of the Federation beyond the main objects of advancing education and research in the science of biochemistry and publishing or arranging for the publication of the results of biochemical research and other information tending to advance the science of biochemistry and charitable purposes ancillary to those main objects.
The Biochemical Society, 59 Portiand Piace, London W1 N 3AJ Registered as a Charity in England: Registration No. 261793
Adopted at the 24th Council Meeting in Moscow on 28 June 1984 and amended at the 26th Council Meeting in Berlin (West) on 27 August 1986, at the 28th Council Meeting in Ljublijana on 1 July 1987, and at the 29th Council Meeting in Rome on 5 July 1989
1. The Chairman should take office on the first day of a General Meeting. He will chair the Executive Committee Meeting. The former Past-Chairman leaves the Committee and should not attend the Executive Committee Meeting at that time.
2. The new Secretary-General should be elected one year before the last meeting of Council convened by the outgoing Secretary-General.
3. Constituent Societies will be asked to nominate candidates for the Advanced Courses, Publications and Fellowships Committees. The member of Council can vote for a candidate from among those proposed by the Societies or by the respective Committees in due time. The Executive Committee may recommend two candidates in order of preference. Curricula vitae of candidates must be sent to the Secretary-General by the proposer and these will be provided to members of Council.
According to Statues, the candidates must gain more than 50% of the votes cast by those present and voting. If after two rounds of voting there is no majority for a candidate, Council must decide in the light of the results of the voting, how to proceed.
4. The Candidates present at elections should leave the room during discussions. However, they have the right to vote if they are delegates or members of the Executive Committee.
5. It is the task of the Secretary-General to inform new officers of the Executive Committee and new members of the other Committees of their election. This should be followed by a letter from the Chairman of the respective Committee which would indicate the appropriate guidelines and explain the obligations of the member.
6. The new Treasurer should be elected one year before the last meeting at which accounts will be presented by the outgoing Treasurer.
(Approved by Council in Dubrovnik, 1979)
1. Constituent Societies should be approached to propose candidates for office.
2. After discussing the merits of the persons proposed by the Constituent Societies, the Executive Committee will normally nominate more than one candidate for each office trying to achieve a balanced geographic representation on the Committee.
3. The Secretary-General should circulate the names of those nominated by the Executive Committee and by the Constituent Societies at least 2 months prior to the election.
4. Executive Committee officers (other than the Chairman) should be elected by secret ballot.
Resolution of FEBS Council Voted on 27 August, 1980 in Jerusalem
1. Is willing in principle to extend aid to Biochemistry in developing countries within the area of interest of FEBS.
2. Approves the participation of biochemists from the above countries in the activities of the FEBS Advanced Course Committee.
3. When feasible will organize Advanced Courses in such countries to which free access is granted to members from all FEBS Constituent Societies as stipulated in ICSU documents on free circulation of scientists. (These are contained in "Advice to Organisers of Scientific Meetings" published by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), 51 Bd. de Montmorency, F- 75016, Paris, France)
4. Modify the Guidelines of the FEBS Fellowships Committee and of the Youth Travel Fund so as to allow biochemists from the above countries to receive grants.
FEBS will offer a sum of money to support a plenary lecture "The FEBS Lecture" at IUBMB Meetings. The chosen lecturer is expected to come from a FEBS Constituent Society. As with the Krebs and Datta Lectures only travel money has been paid in the past.
Travel costs for a plenary lecturer (The FEBS Lecturer) to be provided for a distinguished European at FAOB Congresses (No 7 in 1995). Other costs to be borne by organizers.
Travel costs for a plenary lecturer (The FEBS Lecturer) to be provided for a distinguished European at FASBMB Meetings. Other costs to be borne by organizers.
2. The Chairman is elected by the Council and serves for a term of three years but is eligible for reappointment.
3. Members shall serve for not more than four years.
4. At least one member should normally retire every year.
5. A retiring member will not be eligible for reelection for at least two years after completion of his term of service.
6. Members are appointed by Council on the proposal of the Executive Committee.
7. Recommendations for membership should be made to the Executive Committee by the Publications Committee and by Constituent Societies. (In making nominations due regard should be taken of the geographical distribution and field of interest of the proposed members).
2. To advise the Executive Committee of FEBS on all matters concerning publications and decide about appointments of regular Managing Editors.
3. To select Managing Editors to be confirmed by Council.
4. To conduct negotiations with publishers with respect to publications and make recommendations to the Executive Committee of FEBS.
2. If the decision is positive, then as soon as the list of Symposia and tentative list of speakers are drawn up the Chairman of the Organizing Committee should decide with the Chairman of the Publications Committee which Symposia should be published.
3. When invitations are sent Publications Committee which Symposia should be published.
3. When invitations are sent to potential speakers in the chosen Symposia it should be made clear immediately that a camera-ready manuscript will be required at the time of the meeting.
4. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee should seek a Publisher and, with the help of the Chairman of the Publications Committee, draw up a satisfactory contract between FEBS and the Publisher.
5. The first page and the cover page of each volume should include the full name of FEBS, the meeting number, place of meeting and year. It should also be given a volume number consecutive to those of previously published volumes.
6. A copy of the book should be mailed to the Chairman of the Publications Committee.
7. Profit should be used to cover meeting expenses. The FEBS Executive Committee should be consulted about the use of any surplus money.
2 . The Organizing Committee is advised to select abstracts from those received and invite the authors to submit a manuscript to the Managing Editor of FE8S Letters. Authors should be notified that publication in FEBS Leffers is dependent on the normal review-procedures for papers in this journal.
3. Selection of the papers should be carried out in advance of the Meeting, to ensure the appearance of the printed volume at the time of the FEBS Meeting.
2. The Chairman of the Publication Committee should be consulted on
the decision